Remember back in 2016 when Governor Terry McAuliffe using an executive order to restore the voting rights of 200,000 felons to guarantee a victory for the Democrat candidate running as his replacement?

That was bad.

Two years later, it’s worse.

Congressional Candidate In Virginia Admits He’s A Pedophile
Nathan Larson also ran online forums for pedophiles and misogynists.

Larson is a convicted felon for mailing death threats to Barack Obama.  He served 14 months in prison.

The only reason he can run was that he was part of the mass reenfranchisement order by McAuliffe.

He’s not a Republican by the way.  He’s a Libertarian-Nazi wack-job.

In his campaign pledge, Larson said his agenda will include “protecting gun ownership rights” and restoring “benevolent white supremacy, private borders, patriarchy and freedom from age restrictions.”

The racism is pretty terrible.

Given is sexual proclivities, he may clench the Hollywood Producer vote.

In a phone call, Larson confirmed that he created the now-defunct websites and ― chat rooms that served as gathering places for pedophiles and violence-minded misogynists like himself. HuffPost contacted Larson after confirming that his campaign website shared an IP address with these forums, among others. His sites were terminated by their domain host on Tuesday.

On the phone, he was open about his pedophilia and seemingly unfazed about his long odds of attaining government office.

“A lot of people are tired of political correctness and being constrained by it,” he said. “People prefer when there’s an outsider who doesn’t have anything to lose and is willing to say what’s on a lot of people’s minds.”

When asked whether he’s a pedophile or just writes about pedophilia, he said, “It’s a mix of both. When people go over the top there’s a grain of truth to what they say.”

He really is a charming person.

According to Larson’s campaign manifesto, his platform as a “quasi-neoreactionary libertarian” candidate includes protecting gun ownership rights, establishing free trade and protecting “benevolent white supremacy,” as well as legalizing incestuous marriage and child pornography.

In the manifesto, Larson called Nazi leader Adolf Hitler a “white supremacist hero.” He urged Congress to repeal the Violence Against Women Act, adding, “We need to switch to a system that classifies women as property, initially of their fathers and later of their husbands.” He also showed sympathy for men who identify as involuntary celibates, or incels, suggesting it is unfair that they “are forced to pay taxes for schools, welfare, and other support for other men’s children.”

He may be running as an independent but the Democrats own his candidacy.  In their rush to stack the electorate in their favor for a tight race, they turned this monster into a legal and legitimate person.

That was purely unintentional. “My actions were about giving you the right to vote, to serve on a jury and run for political office,” McAuliffe admitted.

Sure hit that one out of the park.

Just remember, you are a terrorist with blood on your hands who should be in jail because you like guns.

A child raping, woman hating, Nazi sympathizer who threatened to kill the president, gets to vote and run for Congress.






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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “Terry McAuliffe’s long term screwing of VA”
  1. Libertarian? Baloney. “quasi-neoreactionary libertarian” is not a sane label, no more than “free market communist” or “ecumenical jihadist”. Nazi, sure. Libertarian, no, not now, not ever.

  2. I bet the democrats want him to run. He’ll syphon off some of the craziest 0.5% of the vote that would be going to Republican candidates.

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