Ammunition manufacturing capacity, for the United States market, is about 9 billion rounds per year. About 5 billion are rimfire, about 4 billion are centerfire.

Small arms ammunition capacity for the U.S. military is about 1.6 billion rounds per year. It is all centerfire ammunition.

How Much Ammunition is Produced for the United States Market?


That is a lot of ammunition in civilian hands.

Sorry Sleepy Joe and Kneeling Kamela: Gun Control is dead.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “That is a lot of ammunition”
  1. Assume 500million citizens, ,assume 30% think guns are scary and another 25% are under 18.
    That leaves 225 million potential purchasers. That really isn’t much, its 40 rounds per shooter per year. I’ve fired off more than that at a range day with a new rifle.

  2. Don’t be so confident about gun control being dead. There are plenty of ignorant leople who will go along whit whatever the left comes up with. There are even a significant amount of gun owners who would support certain proposals. For examle look at at the AZ senate race where a person with a strong control backgroung won. Now AZ a supposedly 2A stronghold has 2 senate votes for federal gun control legislation. Constant vigilance is necessary. The left has long ago dropped their support of the secondcamendment in any meaningful capicity.

  3. The United States population may have over 400 millions guns, tens if not hundreds of billions of rounds of ammunition stored up but it does not matter to the democrats and there access to over 6,000 nuclear warheads and there desire to use every single one to exterminate every single gun owner in the United states as well as every single solitary United States citizen not a gun owner but would oppose the government using those nukes to kill all gun owners even if it means literally deploying all 6,000 nukes save a few to kill not only every gun owner but every United States citizen not a gun owner that oppose that as well as every single United stated citizen that opppose that as well even if it means the literal extermination of all human life in the United States except themselves, illegals and there cities but then go door to door of every home in the urban centers they control to round up and exterminate every United stated citizen they didn’t nuke. Since that is what they really want.

    And why would they hold back a few nukes? Well in order to avoid global condemnation and the UN they just use a few to exterminate every single Jew in Israel. That way all will be forgiven as the democrats will do the job of exterminating all the Jews in Israel for them since UN forces would probably not be enough to invade and kill every single Jew in Israel and the UN as far as I know does not have direct access to nuclear weapons.

    Remember, the ultimate goal of the far left democrats is the complete and total extermination of the entire United States population that opppses them. They would rather rule over an irradiated wasteland devoid of life than coexist with people that are not exactly like them.

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