There was a minor uproar on the news about a case where a gun owner shot an unleashed dog, and the DA did not charge him citing lack of evidence of wrongdoing. The dog was a German shepherd which may have added to the controversy since it was not a Pit Bull, and we know that GS are incapable of biting humans (sarcasm).

In a follow up article, we find this scary piece of comment:

News 2 spoke with attorney Ben Powers about the potential reasons why the DA isn’t pursuing charges. Powers is not representing anyone involved, but is familiar with the case and relevant laws.

“Tennessee has a lot of laws about how we put guns in people’s hands, but we don’t have as many laws about how we responsibly hold that gun owner accountable,” Powers said.

How can someone shoot a dog in a Nashville, TN park without facing charges? (

Mr. Powers is a Criminal Defense attorney and I find his comment a bit scary as it gives the impression that by default, we are guilty of a crime whenever we use a firearm, but the only reason we are not jailed is because the appropriate laws have not been passed.

I hope he has been misquoted because I would think twice/thrice before hiring him in a case involving a shooting. That comment makes him sound like he has a particular distaste for folks using weapons in self-defense and may cast a doubt on his future performance on behalf of a client.

I forget where I read that 99% of defense lawyers are mitigators, not litigators. They are more concerned about making a deal for less years than the district attorney is willing to shove on somebody’s legal rectum rather than making sure justice is served and an innocent client goes free.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “That is a scary quote from a Defense Lawyer.”
  1. Sheakspeare was right yall….”first, we kill the lawyers “…. this defense attorney is a product of long term propaganda from media demonization of firearms. thats why tv has “programs”.. you are being programmed..

  2. He doesn’t even sound like a lawyer, he sounds like a corporate middle management. Look at his ‘about’ column. It’s pretty much a list of buzz phrases that mean absolutely nothing. I sure as hell wouldn’t hire him.

  3. “but we don’t have as many laws about how we responsibly hold that gun owner accountable,” sounds like he wants a lot more laws governing behavior, and not just in the firearms arena.

    That’s not just a gun or 2A issue, that’s a freedom and liberty issue.

    Strange position for an attorney seeking paying clients to defend, methinks. I hope his remarks gain widespread notice among his potential customers.

  4. {quote]I forget where I read that 99% of defense lawyers are mitigators, not litigators. They are more concerned about making a deal for less years than the district attorney is willing to shove on somebody’s legal rectum rather than making sure justice is served and an innocent client goes free.[/quote]

    Part of that is because, it’s more profitable for the the attorney to cut a deal, part is because it’s quicker, and part is because most lawyers suck at litigating. Unless you’re pay big retainers to the true legal pit bulls, you’ll never get a “fair shake” from the “justice” system.

  5. The cynical answer is he wants gun control to reduce the risk of his clients being shot in self-defense which deprives him of the recurring revenue of pleading out serial offenders.

  6. This is what I say about the Brotherhood of the Cloth (lawyers, judges and lawgivers). “Lawyers, judges and lawgivers are NOT stalwarts of Liberty an Justice. Lawyers, judges and lawgivers are the USURPERS of Liberty and Justice.”
    Lawyers take up the industry for two reasons, 1. Easy money, and 2. Power and more power. Every lawyer Judge and lawgiver will get a fair, 3 minute tribunal for treason against Liberty and Justice for profit. Those found guilty of treason will hang before the end of the day.
    Liberty and Justice are worth dying and killing for.

  7. It’s exceedingly rare to find a lawyer interested in ANYTHING but the dollars that a case represents. This applies both civilly and criminally. This is why plea bargaining is such a popular tactic. The legal system is totally corrupt beyond any redemption, that includes the denizens infesting the system.

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