By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “That is how good law enforcement does it”
  1. Good cops cleaning up bad cops, instead of sticking up for them (or at best, standing aside silently). That’s a sight to behold.

    The fact that it was a black cop confronting a bad white cop for punching a handcuffed black man, makes it even sweeter.

    Well done, sir!

    (Not to inject a sour note, but if this ever gets media play, what’s the over-under the punch is televised, but the confrontation and arrest of the bad cop gets selectively edited out?)

      1. The arrestee’s jacket said “Officer”, not “Security”. Still, the police jackets all said “Police”, so… hard to tell for sure.

  2. You’re not supposed to strike handcuffed subject. I wonder how genuine that arrest was or if it was more a display for the public. Either way the optics for once actually aren’t terrible.

    1. I don’t think actual cops care too much about the repercussions of arresting asshole rent-a-cops.

      Cops that arrest other cops however, tend to get harassed for years afterwards (but remember, there are only like, a small number of bad cops!).

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