We’ve all experienced this. You are done with your daily constitutional. You flush, and one piece refuses to go with the rest. Its buoyancy resists the flow and it comes back, seemingly to torment you, requiring another flush or two to make it go away.
That is David Hogg and the media. Just when you think he has said the worst possible thing and should go away, he comes back.
Everyone but CNN is getting sick of him.
He is being a total shit head bully on the Laura Ingraham topic. Rejecting her apology, for a rather benign Tweet, doubling down on boycotts and trying to end her career. Even the liberal news magazine The Hill thinks that Hogg is going set a bad precedent with his behavior.
He’s actively working against other Parkland students who don’t share his politics. He froze Hunter Pollack out of one of his rallies and lie about it.
A miscommunication led to Hunter not being able to speak at the march… I would like you to hear it now at this bea https://t.co/3FzEsAtbqQ
— David Hogg ? (@davidhogg111) March 31, 2018
Thank you , I appreciate you pushing out my video but there was no miscommunication my speech didn’t fit I️n to the agenda . https://t.co/t3FnYTVnmC
— Hunter Pollack (@PollackHunter) March 31, 2018
Other anonymous Parkland students are getting sick and tired of his shit too. His hyper-aggressive media whoring while claiming to “speak for the students” with his far Left, anti-gun, Social Justice talking points is making other Parkland students miserable.
This little shit needs to go away but CNN keeps floating him back into the bowl.
I think a few of the comments in previous posts are right. This kid is going to go on some sort of belligerent Lindsay Lohan-esque “don’t you know who the fuck I am” rant. The one thing the gun control movement can’t have is him turning into a complete Kardashian. He’s only good as long as sympathy is on his side. Once it is clear that he is nothing but a self-centered, entitled diva, nobody will give a shit about him anymore.
I just want to know exactly when he will finally break for society to finally bust out the plunger and be done with him once and for all.
Condom snorting is now the rage with his peer group.
I don’t want this kid to go away. I want him to escalate things. I want him front and center, spewing venom and demanding a full repeal of the second amendment. I want him to browbeat anyone who doesn’t agree with him. I want him to continue saying that NRA members are complicit in child murder. The more extreme he gets, the more airtime I want for him. The more sick of him people get, the better.
History has shown that the bulk of Americans don’t like to be told what to do. This kid is going to do irreparable harm to his own movement.
Sympathy is between shit and syphilis in the dictionary.. preach on camera hogg, til even the left hates you.. we must thank him for waking up America to how the left REALLY is..
This little shit needs to go away
No, I’m with HP on this.
The ‘little shit’ needs more exposure (and I’m sure CNN is stupid enough a ratings whore to accommodate)
We need to start a pool- just how will Hogg’s downfall come about?
– “Don’t you know who I am!” rant during arrest
-Publicly says something very overtly anti-Semitic
-Pulls a Weinstein on some chick
-Gets cross threaded with the Democratic Establishment
Chokes while in the middle of a condom snorting challenge.
My money is on designer/prescription drugs. He’s a rich, white, privileged kid. I grew up with shits like that. Street drugs were for poor kids. They got pills from another kid who stole them from their step mom after the step mom’s boob job.