That was the whole point.

The state had to convict Rittenhouse to protect their unofficial Brownshirt thugs in Antifa.

The people needed him acquitted so that Antifa knew we could defend ourselves from them.

The people won and Antifa is shitting itself.


The Left wanted us to have to cower in fear of Antifa.

The Rittenhouse verdict defies that.

I hope every time some Antifa thug assaults someone they get blasted.


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By J. Kb

13 thoughts on “That was the whole point of the Rittenhouse trial and why so many were invested in i”
  1. Gee, Mx. Antif@ person, what about your vaunted John Brown Gun Clubs? What about all your other weapons training groups that are so prominent on the ‘net? I though you were already prepared, and were a bunch of hardened warriors ready to do whatever is needed for truth, justice, and the Marxist way? I mean, that’s what you say on-line, and truth is what you say it is, right?

    /sarc, just in case

    1. The Antifatards were proud of their shield wall being able to walk forward — proving their mastery of one tenth of the drill used by illiterate warbands 500 years before firearms were introduced.

      I’ve seen their propaganda calling firebombers “flame wizards” and using similar terms for the rest of their gang. They think it’s a game, that they get to play, maybe have to deal with some tear gas, but nothing really bad will happen to then.

      Police don’t want to use appropriate force against them — but Kyle had to. That’s what terrifies them — the other side might start playing by new rules.

  2. How long before”Rittenhouse” becomes a verb? As in “that little old lady that was being beaten by a thug just rittenhoused him.”

  3. Antifa is going to arm up more and in the locations they centralize in fully support I h them I fully expect antifa starting to mass murder people in those states.

    I said it before and I will say it again: there will come a point where antifa will start shooting and killing large numbers of people in Oregon and Washington at random and they will not be punished. They Will start literally forming mobs and going door-to-door breaking into peoples homes and killing entire families. Nothing will be done.But if you try to defend yourself you will be killed by the state. Because the Democrats in Oregon and Washington just like antifa and BLM themselves and the Democrat party at large believes that all human life in the United States that opposes antifa or BLM or them in general should be exterminated. I mean it does fit well with the Democrats ultimate goal of the literal complete and total extermination of all human life in the United States minus themselves and illegals to replace the United States population with hundreds of millions of illegals.

    1. What do you think happened to all those guns “stolen from cars” in Nashville?

      And I’m sure China has slipped some special toys across the border.

      1. China has been shipping thousands of Glock Auto Sears into the country this past year. Turns a Glock Hand Gun into a spray and pray full auto handgun.

        They have been showing up on the streets of Minneapolis and a lot of other cities. No, they have not made the thugs using them any more accurate.

        Communist China. Advertised openly by the manufacturer on the internet.

        Brought to you by the same Communist China that ships TONS of Fentanyl and Fentanyl Precursors to the USA. Fentanyl that killed 64,000 Americans last year.

        1. I like to remind people that the red China consumer protection laws prohibit selling poisonous or dangerous products to Chinese — but they place no restriction on exporting such products.


  4. Matthew: Rilly?

    Scene: Airport someplace in Mexico.

    Juan and Pablo are loading a plane for their employer.

    Juan: “Hey, Pablo, what is that shit on top of the cocaine?”

    Pablo: “Well, Juan, that’s a crate of AK-47, selective fire rifles. Why do you ask?”

    Juan: “ooh, Pablo! You had better get them out of there! When this plan lands in America, those there are illegal! We might get into trouble!”


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