The Left has gotten shameless in their threats.

Real law-and-order Republicans would not bow to threats of violence and extortion.

This is tantamount to hostage taking by a mob.

If this is the plan, we’re going to need more ammo.

The Democrats can’t use a mob veto on an election.  If they do, our Democracy is over.

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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “That’s a nice country you have there, it would be a shame if Biden weren’t President of it”
  1. I wonder if Hamdi realizes his family left their ancestral land precisely because of the crap he’s pushing.

  2. This is pretty much the same as their long-standing support of the “Palestinian Veto”, in which a terrorist dictator who has never wanted peace gets to decide whether there will be peace in the Middle East.

  3. When are Americans gonna realize liberals are 24% of the population and start acting like it. Stop listening to these asshats. When Trump wins Americans will squash “civil unrest”.

  4. “The Left will have more difficulty accepting the results”

    That’s their problem. Their immaturity, stupidity, impulsiveness, violence, looting, rioting, arson, and murder can all be cured by the application of overwhelming force against the Leftist thugs.

    We will have exhausted our patience by November. Throw a tantrum and you will get a permanent time out.

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