From the Daily Mail UK:

How Victoria’s lockdown killed four newborn babies: Distraught families told that their children were not permitted to enter Victoria for emergency heart surgery before they died

Four babies have died in Adelaide in the past four weeks after they could not be airlifted to Melbourne due to the city’s coronavirus lockdown.

South Australia does not have a cardiac unit for children meaning seriously ill newborns with heart issues are normally taken to Melbourne’s Royal Children’s Hospital – but this option has been ruled out due to the pandemic, an inquiry heard on Tuesday.

Victoria does not currently have any restrictions in place for travellers entering from another Australian state.

Associate Professor John Svigos told the South Australian parliament’s public health services committee that Melbourne’s lockdown meant transfer was not available.

There is no recorded instance of an infant transmitting COVID.

These babies were dying of a heart defect.

The bureacuracy was so intent on enforcing the lockdown in against a hot spot that they callously let four babies die.

100% guaranteed death from heard defects to prefent transmission ofa disease with 99.9% survivability among adults under 60.

That is the math that the bureaucracy did.

These are not the only cases of children dying because of the lockdown.

From the Guardian:

Victorian child deaths spike during Covid lockdown after series of home accidents

Eight young children have died in the past two months across Victoria in a series of incidents experts say have spiked due to the state’s Covid-19 lockdown.

Each year an average of 17 children die from unintentional injuries across the state, according to the Victorian Injury Surveillance Unit. But there have been eight deaths since the beginning of August, the coroner reported. They were all aged under five.

The director of trauma at the Royal Children’s Hospital, Dr Warwick Teague, said children were most commonly injured at home and coronavirus lockdown measures meant they were spending more time in that setting. “It is very concerning that the number of deaths of children has been so high in 2020,” Teague said.

The kids are home 24 hours a day, the parents are trying to work from home, accidents happen.

It’s tragic.  People weren’t ment to live this way, but the bureacurts don’t want to be blamed for COVID deaths and the price they are willing to pay for that is an increase if all sorts of non-COVID deaths.

This isn’t about saving lives.  This is about politicans and bureacrats trying to cover their asses from COVID deaths which make the nightly talking head panic porn.  All other misery and death that goes unreported on is just the cost of doing business.


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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “The absolute cruelty of bureaucracy and lockdowns”
  1. Hope the bureaucrats that caused the infant deaths are arrested and jailed… but this being Oz, it’ll probably be easier to find a unicorn that farts rainbows and elect it to office..

  2. Bureaucracy requires you to not think and blind obedience. Itd not your fault if you did what you were supposed to do and followed the protocols, there is always someone else to push the blamed off to with a bureaucracy. We hurtle yet closer and closer to the world seen in Atlas shrugged among others dystopian novels…

  3. I had a thought that much of the lock downs feel like a return to serfdom and the collectivist goals of giant housing blocks that also contained the residents place of work so that the workers would be ‘free’ of housing fears.

    This nonsense out of aussieland and the new 6km travel limit in Ireland, not being able to travel freely around your state without some paper proving you are essential.

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