Covering the truth about China’s Coronavirus outbreak and how the media have reported on it has been a theme of some of my recent posts.

Every day I am more and more disgusted how the media has tried to retcon the last few months in regards to Trump and China’s handling of the Coronacrisis.

People often call this gaslighting.  I hate that term because true gaslighting is a form of mental abuse that makes someone doubt their own sanity.

This is retconning.  They are trying to retroactively make themselves in the right, no matter how wrong they once were.  I do not doubt my sanity.  I see that they are trying to pull the wool over my eyes and I refuse to let them get away with it.

Previously I covered how the Chinese Government has stopped reporting new cases of Coronavirus, claiming that the outbreak is contained.  Reality indicates that the Chinese have stopped testing people, which cuts down on the numbers of “confirmed cases,” and has taken to welding people into their apartments, making sick people disappear, and possibly even cremating the sick alive.

Then there was the fact that some 21 million Chinese cellphone accounts disappeared.  I’m not suggesting that all these people died of the disease, but that China deleted their accounts to keep people from reporting on the real numbers of sick and dead, and the totalitarian methods China is using to contain the.

Then there is this news:

This definitely adds to the mountain of evidence that the outbreak in China is much, much worse than the government is reporting.  Which, as a matter of common sense, makes sense.  How could a nation with huge, high population cities like Wuhan (11.3 million people) not have that many cases?

The media in the United States have absolutely ignored this to dump on Trump.

NBC published this headline:

As U.S. struggles to stem coronavirus, China asserts itself as global leader

It’s just too bad that they didn’t report the truth which is that the Dutch are having to scrap the masks they bought from China because they do not work to protect people and 70-80% of the Coronavirus tests China sold to Spain and the Czech Republic fail.

NBC’s new “global leader” ships medical supplies that are as well made as their dollar store brand garbage.

And while these same pundits have reported on the mask and ventilator shortage, they failed to mention in any great detail that internal government reports mentioned ten times in thirteen years that the government was short on ventilators or talked about Obama’s drawdown of masks during the H1N1 outbreak.

Apparently what Trump did wrong was not immediately fix every mistake that Obama made before him.

Furthermore, while there have been reports about the ventilator shortage in New York, as it turns out, Governor Cuomo is sitting on a stockpile of ventilators that they are waiting until the shit hits the fan to deploy.

All of this has gotten Lefties on Twitter to push the infuriating hashtag #TrumpGenocide trying to make this all and exclusively Trump’s fault.

It is grotesque and obscene.

CNN had on the mayor of New Orleans to explain why it was Trump’s fault that she did not cancel Marti Gras, which is the cause of the Louisiana hotspot.


Unhappy with trying to pin the Coronacrisis on Trump alone, they are trying to stick to Fox News, which they believe is his proxy.  Going to the ridiculous extreme of saying that they are culpable for any Coronavirus deaths in the US.

Tucker Carlson did an entire segment refuting this attack.


This is the same media that told us for a solid month that any reference to the Coronavirus as “Chinese” was racist.

When Trump tried to take this seriously, the mocked him and called him a xenophobe.

When the outbreak happened, they attacked Trump for not doing enough and told you to forget what they had just said in the prior weeks.

Yes, we know that in their minds Trump can do no right, however in their pushing that narrative they have completely obscured the truth about what is going in in China and have broadcast the Chinese Government’s propaganda with alacrity.

I deeply believe in the First Amendment and the right to a free press, but this doing damage to our country and bolstering our geopolitical rival’s attempts to shirk responsibility for this pandemic.

They need to be held accountable for this.

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By J. Kb

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