“Maybe if a few more armed camps of hayseed nut jobs like the Waco davidians are obliterated, the rest will get the fucking message.”

The above quote came out a Facebook discussion about a person I consider the latest attention whore: Adam Kokesh. If you haven’t heard about him, you are not missing much.

Mr. Kokesh had advanced the idea of gathering a bunch of people armed with rifles and invading Washington D.C. as a manner of protest. (OK, you can stop laughing now.) Apparently and not unexpectedly, Kokesh had a change of heart and decided it might be a wise thing to do a march like that now that he had gathered enough attention to himself to satisfy his “whoredeness.”

That was the theme of the discussion in that Facebook thread and the quote was from one of the Rabid Anti Gunners in the exchange. Notice his choice of word: Obliterated. Not brought to justice, not retained or detained or even killed. Nope he wants us obliterated.

Webster defines obliterate as:

a: to remove utterly from recognition or memory
b: to remove from existence : destroy utterly all trace, indication, or significance of

The author of the quote wishes us to be Unpersons. Erased from both existence and memory, a charming wish from one of those who profess open-mindedness and understanding for all creatures big and small (Republican and libertarians not included. Dogma must be followed at all times without questioning. All taxes apply.)

He is the reason we have a Second Amendment. I doubt he will ever have the balls to actually try to vaporize us himself, but he wouldn’t mind subcontracting the job to somebody else via legislation.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “The Antis…..so violent!”
  1. Another keyboard kommando tough guy. He talks a good game but doesn’t have the ball to actually do anything himself. We have one of these in our local paper, Always wanting to take everyone’s guns. I invited him to come by and take mine. That was a couple months ago, I’m still waiting. They don’t have a problem however sending someone else to do their dirty work for them. As long as they don’t have to dirty their hands.

  2. Of course, the Branch Davidians, while no doubt quite weird, were all killed as a result of an attempt to serve a search warrant for illegal weapons… Despite the fact that the Affidavit which served as the basis for the warrant only attested to the fact thatone of the members (Fatta) was federal firearms licensed gun dealer who (shock!) regularly took deliveries of inventory via private shipping companies like UPS and FedEx.

    Yeah, Koresh was a creepy wack-job. But being a creepy wack-job isn’t suppossed to be grounds for mass murder…

  3. And when called on it he’ll likely backtrack and claim that wasn’t what he meant. Just like Fleger in Chicago didn’t ‘really’ want to snuff people out when he said ‘drag them into the street and snuff them out’.

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