The point is clearly to destroy the military.

Eliminate camaraderie and esprit de corps and replace it with suspicion and resentment.

The point is no longer to win wars.  We will have the CIA drone strike as necessary.

The military will be a political corps used against American citizens.

We don’t need camaraderie for that.  We need an army of grown up Child Heroes trained to rat out people for thought crime.

It seems thats what the military is going for.


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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “The Army’s stand down is as bad as you can imagine”
  1. And they are asking for trouble with it.

    Running Sgt. Normal or Captain Goodguy out of the military for the high crime of ‘listens to Rush Limbaugh’ isn’t going to make them disappear. Not unless you walk them into an incinerator (I’m sure the current junta would do it, if they thought of it; but they haven’t).

    So great, you’ve taken away that guy’s gun and his uniform. What you haven’t taken away are his skills, or his existence. He’s still out there.

    And you’re motivating him, and people like him, to start turning those skills against you.

    Galaxy-brained thinking. These people are idiots.

  2. The Navy is doing the same thing. In fact the Navy Will Make All Sailors Reaffirm Oath to the Constitution in Extremism Stand-Down. Can you say Hitler Oath?

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