The last time the ATF posted a tone-deaf Tweet it was the ATF putting out career info and being dragged by gunnies.

Before that, it was the ATF being dragged over the anniversary of Waco.

Now the ATF put out this Tweet:

Once again, they are getting dragged.

And they deserve it.

Go and enjoy the comments, again.

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By J. Kb

9 thoughts on “The ATF must love being dragged on social media”
    1. It’s not reasonable to expect functioning brains there. Remember that the people who work there commit a federal felony simply by walking in the door of their office.

  1. Holy…!

    Does the BATFE really not understand what their reputation is?

    I mean, just how tone-deaf and oblivious must they be!?

    1. You’re talking about a branch of the federal government that brought about a genocide when they botched a raid at a church camp, shot their own people in a cross-fire and then sicced the FBI “Hostage Rescue Team” (still coming down off of the Ruby Ridge disaster and the murder of Randy Weaver’s wife) on people who only wanted to be left alone to worship in their own way….How oblivious do you think they are?

  2. Existence proof that if you lie long and hard enough (for instance, oh, pretending to be the good guys) … not everyone will eventually come to believe it. Thankfully.

  3. My neighbor has two of those annoying little fluffy dogs that never stop barking, maybe the ATF could shoot them, and if not, maybe they know someone

  4. wizardpc beat me to it – they’re using it to build lists. Oppression is easier when your intended victims self identify.

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