This isn’t a satirical article.  This is spot on the actual truth.

The party that wants to take over and manage your healthcare cheered today as their political archnemesis, President Donald Trump, contracted COVID, hoping and praying to the godless universe that he would die.

Leftists who want to manage your healthcare for your own good also think it is a good thing when their political opponents fall ill, and they’re especially excited when they die. From Trump’s brother Robert to Herman Cain, whenever someone with the wrong beliefs dies, they are ecstatic.

That is an objectively factual statement.

Look at these tweets from actual professional reporters:

These two are attacking one of the finest hospitals in the country because they effectively treated and possibly saved the life of a man they disagree with politically.

Consider that for a moment.

That is one step away from jailing physicians who treat undesirable, which is something both the Nazis and the Soviets did.  China denies people with too low a social credit score medical care.

Let the Left take over medicine and I guarantee you, you voting record will be on your medical chart and the quality of health care that your receive will be adjusted accordingly.

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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “The Babylon Bee is no longer doing satire”
  1. I’ve been seeing some of the stupidest stuff on the book of face. Everything from Trump faked getting sick to the pictures of him working were nothing more that Soviet style propaganda (that Russian collusion they just can’t let go of).

    My other comment about the left wanting to refuse medical treatment to wrong think protests applies here too.

    1. What I don’t get is that these twits like Dowd and Rubin are acting like Walter Reed took Trump because he had great insurance .. they took him because they take every President. That is their job. I am a Vet and I am proud of what they are doing at this Hospital and that the President got the best care. Whatever happens on election night won’t change the fact the left is made up largely of adult children who are petulant, petty and silly. The Republic will be finished if Biden wins. Trump can give it a few more years but I fear the end of this great nation is at hand because it is filled with these child-like progressives.

  2. It’s hard to tell what they were thinking, if anything. Most of the comments are against them. A few seem to think the message is about “why did the doctors allow him to leave”. It seems some people think a hospital is a type of prison, and once you go in you can only leave by permission. Bizarre.

  3. Babylon Bee is still doing satire.

    The problem is reality has become satire. Not Babylon Bee’s fault they did not move faster than the left.

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