On March 22, Khalid Masood killed five people and wounded 50 more, when armed with a car and a knife he attacked people on the Westminster bridge and Parliament Yard.

Sixty-one days later, On May 22, Salman Abedi detonated a suicide bomb killing 22 and wounding 59 people at the Manchester Arena outside a Ariana Grande concert.

Only 12 days later, on June 3rd, three man using a van and knives killed seven and wounded 48 others on the London Bridge and in Borough Market.

It was noted in the media that the three terrorists on the London Bridge were shot by special police.  (It should be noted here, that one bystander was accidentally shot which puts Scotland Yard miles ahead of the NYPD.)

There are unconfirmed social media reports that unarmed British police ran away from the attack.  Civilians were left throwing chairs and bottles to protect themselves, one man acknowledging he was “defenseless.”

The London Bridge attack occurred less than 12 days after Katy Perry responded to the Manchester Bombing by calling for “no barriers, no walls.”

The London Bridge attack occurred less than 12 days after the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan said: “London stands united with the great city of Manchester today after this barbaric and sickening attack. This was a cowardly act of terrorism that targeted a concert attended by thousands of children and young people.

The London Bridge attack occurred less than 12 days after we were warned by the media that the real danger in Manchester was an anti-Muslim backlash and it’s Manchester Muslims are the ones who should really be afraid.

While I am still waiting for news of an anti-Muslim Pogrom to materialize in the UK, there are seven families who will never see a loved one again and some four-dozen more people fighting for their lives in hospital because of Islamic terrorism.

The world stood with Manchester while agents of ISIS planed to cause mass casualties in London.

Trump responded by calling for a renewal of his travel ban from terrorist states.  Former  Secretary of State John Kerry said “A travel ban will be cannon fodder to the recruiters. It’s the worst thing we could do.

Think about that statement for a second.  Kerry is saying “making it more difficult for the Muslims who might want to kill us from entering the US will make the Muslims who want to kill us want to kill us even more.”  Implying that we should make it easier for ISIS terrorists to enter the US so not to offend them.  That is mind boggling.

After the second terrorist attack in as many weeks in the UK, I haven’t seen nearly as many empty platitudes as after Westminster and Manchester.  I think that the UK is platituded out.  They have resigned themselves to their fate, that the UK is going to be like Syria or Iraq, a multi-ethnic quasi-state in in which sectarian mass killings are a weekly occurrence.  Except, of course, for the month or Ramadan, where it is daily.

Trump makes a comment about gun control and terrorism in the UK on Twitter.

The Atlantic rushed to the defense of UK gun control and Salon called the remarks offensive.

Both media outlets missed the point entirely.

The British are subjects.  When the Metropolitan Police sent out advice on what to do in case of terrorism, this was what they made public.

Run away and die in  corner with a cellphone in your hand.  At least in the US we advise, “Run, Hide, Fight.”  If it’s your only choice, it’s better to go down swinging with whatever makeshift weapon you have than die on your knees.

Any nation that gives the advice of “die while waiting on hold with police dispatch” is a nation that is in end stage decline.

A year ago I said that the Knife Intifada was starting in Europe.  Two years ago I said it was going to come to Europe.  The Israelis managed to tamp that down by fighting back because they still have the fire in their belies.  Their grandparents fought and died in the desert to wrest that tiny piece of land out of the clutches of their Arab neighbors.  They were sure as shit not going to let them get it back.

The UK has nothing left but appeasement.

You can’t send endless pity to a people that can’t be bothered to save themselves.  What is sadder still are the number of people in this country that so badly want to emulate Europe that they too want to sacrifice this nation on the alter of Social Justice.

I am reminded of a quote by Samuel Adams, which I will update for the modern era:

If you love political correctness better than liberty, the multiculturalism of dhimmitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which stabs you. May your burqas set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.

Spread the love

By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “The Battle of Britain”
  1. My “Give a Flying F— Meter” for the UK hovers around zero. The needle barely registers any movement when they are attacked. Why should I care when they clearly do not want to survive? Lighting candles and teddy bears for murdered children is not sane.

    They fret about the possibility of a pogrom. Well, maybe they should make it more explicit what the consequences are for silently supporting jihad. May I suggest that all mosques are placed under observation, imams that propose violence be arrested and deported (citizenship revoked if necessary), arm the police, rescind the gun control laws, promise retaliation against countries of origin of any outsider muslim terrorists, seize assets of home grown terrorists, raze the mosques associated with terrorists, and so on. The muslin community must feel the sting of not isolating and eliminating their worst elements. They should not feel comfortable in the UK for creating and harboring terrorists.

    This tirade is pointless. Margaret Thatcher was the last PM to have a set of balls so their country will be lost. All that we need to do is to prophylactically nuke the British nuclear assets when the muslims seize them eventually for our own self preservation.

  2. JKB, where do I begin? The Kerry Fisk or the Adams paraphrase? Oh, you are in top form today!

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