The Democrats are the party of Jew hatred.

That is incontrovertible.

The question is how to convince the rest of the Jewish population of America of that fact.

Jewish groups ‘extremely disturbed’ and say Biden ‘blew it’ on policy to counter anti-Semitism

The White House on Thursday rolled out a 60-page strategy to counter anti-Semitism in the United States that some Jewish and anti-hate groups say misses the mark.

The Biden administration cites an alarming rise in hate crimes that disproportionately impact American Jews as part of the impetus for the government-led effort to combat anti-Semitism

Rabbi Abraham Cooper, the associate dean and director of global social action at the Simon Wiesenthal Center – a Jewish global human rights organization – applauded the White House’s efforts on Thursday, but in his praises he emphasized the importance of the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism.

He adds that “we must also remember that a significant portion of the anti-Semitic hate generated against the Jewish people specifically targets genocidal and murderous rhetoric and acts against the democratic Jewish state of Israel which today is home to the largest Jewish community in the world.”

The Republican Jewish Coalition also believes that the White House caved in to influence from the “anti-Israel left” when crafting the document.

StopAntisemitism also criticized Biden for allowing the plan to veer into strategy for combating other hate crimes and not solely focusing on anti-Semitism.

“The plan will not even allow antisemitism to stand alone, repeatedly mentioning planned executive actions to fight ‘antisemitism, Islamophobia, and related forms of bias and discrimination.’ Fighting Islamophobia and other bigotries is an excellent goal, but it does not belong in this particular antisemitism strategy,” said Rez.

This wasn’t the first time the Democrats did this.  After Ilhan Omar said some antisemitic things, the condemnation by Congress was watered down to meaninglessness by condemning Islamophobia alongside antisemitism from a Muslim Congresswoman.

But the White House has gone above and beyond that.

They actually have the Council of American Islamic Relations (CAIR) as a group participating in this antisemitism policy.


What is their job?  To increase antisemitism?

They helped raise money for terrorism against Israel.

If you want an idea of how this is going to go, look no further than what happened at CUNY Law a few weeks ago.

Outraged critics rip CUNY law grad’s ‘hate-filled’ commencement speech, demand billions in tax dollars be stripped

In her vitriolic May 12 graduation speech at the public City University of New York’s law school, newly minted grad Fatima Mousa Mohammed called for a “revolution” to take on the legal system’s “white supremacy’’ while blasting city cops and the US military and claiming Israel carries out “indiscriminate” murder.

“This hate-filled and dangerous speech has been brought to you by @CUNY and paid for by New York taxpayers,” tweeted Simcha Eichenstein, a Democratic state assemblyman representing Brooklyn. “Keep this in mind next time our elected leaders highlight their commitment to fighting antisemitism.”

Congressman Ritchie Torres (D-NY) said, “Imagine being so crazed by hatred for Israel as a Jewish State that you make it the subject of your commencement speech at a law school graduation.

She urged her classmates to continue the “revolution” to effect change, using their rage as “the fuel for the fight against capitalism, racism, imperialism and Zionism around the world.”

Fatima Muhammad is a vicious Jew hater who demanded that Zionist professors be fired from CUNY.

CUNY is currently under investigation for civil rights violations against Jewish students and faculty.

The CUNY students voted for Fatima Muhammad to be the commencement speaker.

The school hid the video and transcript and only released it after a FOIA order.


The Governor of New York, Kathy Hochul, has remained silent on this.

Elsewhere, we know that BLM has partnered with BDS, so a cornerstone of Black Leftism is Jew hatred.

In California, antisemitism on college campuses was so terrible that the Board of Regents had to issue a statement, which was then promptly watered down once they discovered who was being antisemitic.

The Left has fully embraced Jew hatred and Israel hatred as tenets of social justice.

There is no way in hell the Biden Administration will combat antisemitism in any way that punishes the Left.

This is an absolutely feckless act.

The only hope is that Democrat Jews figure this out.



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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “The Biden policy on Antisemitism is to increase it”
  1. “The only hope is that Democrat Jews figure this out.”

    Historically, they won’t. They’ll keep blaming the ‘right’ and defending the DNC even up to the point that the gas starts coming out of the vents.

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