From USA Today:

Poll: Almost a third of US voters think a second civil war is coming soon

A war may be brewing within the United States, almost a third of voters say in a poll released Wednesday.

Amid widespread political polarization on issues like immigration and recent public confrontations of Trump administration officials, 31 percent of probable U.S. voters surveyed said they think “it’s likely that the United States will experience a second civil war sometime in the next five years.”

Here is the news straight from Rasmussen Reports:

Thirty-one percent (31%) of Likely U.S. Voters say it’s likely that the United States will experience a second civil war sometime in the next five years, with 11% who say it’s Very Likely. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 59% consider a second civil war unlikely, but that includes only 29% who say it’s Not At All Likely.

Democrats (37%) are more fearful than Republicans (32%) and voters not affiliated with either major party (26%) that a second civil war is at hand.

But 59% of all voters are concerned that those opposed to President Trump’s policies will resort to violence, with 33% who are Very Concerned. This compares to 53% and 28% respectively in the spring of Obama’s second year in office. Thirty-seven percent (37%) don’t share that concern, including 16% who are Not At All Concerned.

Almost one third believe that civil war is coming and almost 60% believe that the anti-Trump Left is going to kick that shit off.

Congratulations Democrats, you caused the Civil War and now it looks like you are going to be the case of CW2: the Boogaloo, and for the same reasons too: racism and secession.

It’s going to be fun times on the horizon.


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By J. Kb

11 thoughts on “The Big Igloo is going mainstream”
  1. And IF it happens for real I think it will be wicked short because We the People will make short work of the 26% who think they are the majority.. Lots are sick and tired of liberal idiots who have nothing to do but look for shit to be offended about

  2. This time, if it happens, I suspect it will be even uglier than last time.

    We’re not talking a relatively clean geographic demarcation of sides. The “easiest” would be urban vs city, but even that is a gross simplification. No, I see this as neighbor vs neighbor based on supposition and innuendo, partisans trying to steal voter rolls, that sort of ugliness.

    Praying I’m wrong.

    1. I suspect it will look more like The Troubles in Northern Ireland but two sided. Or like the sectarian violence in Iraq, minus the heavy weapons.

      Most people sides will not want to fight. We enjoy our middle class lives too much.

      But some Lefty will bomb a church full of evangelical Republicans so some good old boys will find a DSA meeting and shoot it up.

      It will be insurrection violence directed at each other.

      1. J, I think it’s a bit worse than that. Left wing politicians will explicitly support their violent radical friends (as they are already doing) and attempt to suppress the civil rights of real Americans. I’m afraid of something more like Bracken’s “Enemies foreign and domestic” with gun confiscation checkpoints on the highways and wholesale suppression of the Bill of Rights.

  3. Thirty-one percent (31%) of Likely U.S. Voters say it’s likely that the United States will experience a second civil war sometime in the next five years, with 11% who say it’s Very Likely.

    I wonder if they offered the option that the civil war has already started? I might have picked that option. It’s just that one side hasn’t started striking back, yet.

  4. You want to get a feel for what true civil war would be like in this century. Look to the break up of Yugoslavia, and the civil war that followed. A modern country that just a year before and hosted the winter Olympics. It was brutal and ugly. Ask Hillary about dodging sniper fire.

  5. One key difference between the USA and the various countries mentioned above that experienced civil war in recent years: here we have a large population of law abiding citizens who are well armed and skilled in the use of weapons. In those other countries, weapons ownership was generally limited to selected government officials and a fairly small group of random thugs.

  6. My particular fear for cwii is that some point somebody will declare open season on some subset of “them”.

    I don’t want to think about what CHAZ would look like if two or three people decide that it is open season. The cops slow roll on shots fired.

    Miguel posted a shootout in DC between to groups of BLM members. I don’t think we will see such fancy dancing when open season is declared.

      1. It would be wildly entertaining if the police surrounded CHAZ, sort of like a medieval siege, and just starved everybody out. Let’s see how many of these Communist vermin are willing to stick to their ideals when they’ve been reduced to cannibalism just to continue living.

  7. I said it before, and I will say it again.

    Either it stops at less than 10,000, or it will go to 20-40 MILLION, and 150 Million if some decides to use nukes. There is a lot of hate out there, and it will be atrocity and counter atrocity. Think Yugoslavia and Rwanda. Imagine some rando tracking you down and (trying to) killing you for your comment on this blog.

    It will not be like US Civil War I, where it was fought by gentlemen that respected each other. The US Civil War was fought by the rules, by people that believed insults and lies were a legitimate dueling offense. Political Lies and smears are now expected conduct, while they will use them to destroy the powerless.

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