I just bumped into this headline:

Barricades? Is the little twerp thinking he is gonna grab a rifle and do battle against the evil armies of the NRA from behind a pile of rubble? At most, he will be driven around by armed bodyguards, prepper by expensive PR experts and dutifully adored by the Media.

Sorry, but this one pissed me off more than usual. This morning I bumped into a series of pictures from the Spanish Civil War and it is something my family lived through.

That is a grenade coming down. People more likely died seconds after the camera clicked.

As a kid from my generation, I heard tales of the horrors of the Spanish Civil War from the people who fought it. Many shot and were shot manning barricades and trenches in cities and the country.  So that this asshole’s name gets associated with barricades, it is an insult to the people who actually knew what is to fight behind one.

The only thing about the BS around Hogg is that it will eventually be high enough to choke his ass.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “The BS is piling too high arond David Hogg.”
  1. What did you expect from the people who appropriated “never again” from Holocaust memorials to themselves?

  2. “The only thing about the BS around Hogg is that it will eventually be high enough to choke his ass.”

    The more the biased MSM overplays showing off their lil’ media darling, the quicker people will tire of him and the faster Goebbels Jr. will be dropped like used toilet paper by his handlers.


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