This is Pournelle’s Iron Law of Bureaucracy states that.  The bureaucracy always protects itself.

Even from COVID the bureaucracy protects itself.

This is why AOC was at the front of the line for the vaccine.

This is why it was a bipartisan effort to take out Trump.

Democrats and Republicans might fight amongst themselves, but they will unite as one to protect the Bureaucracy when an outsider threatens it.

This is why they declare themselves and the restaurants and places they like to be essential and your livelihood to be locked down.

The bureaucracy always protects itself.


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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “The bureaucracy ALWAYS protects itself”
  1. To be fair to Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez (not a sentence I type often) she didn’t have much choice in the matter. Continuity of Government protocols which long predate her time in office – hell most of them predate her time as a shitty bartender – mandate that Congress, senior members of the Judiciary, and various Executive branch high muckety-mucks all must be given vaccines in this sort of situation.

    1. So what? The fact that some strange rule requires the vaccine to be offered to her before its time does not oblige her to accept it. If she had any integrity she would have said “no thanks, not now”.

      Meanwhile, on the original topic: two nights ago there was a brief mention on the local news that the “supervisor of janitors” at some MA hospital had been vaccinated as part of the priority rules. It didn’t even occur to the talking heads to say anything about this.

      1. I don’t know the exact law (and don’t have time to research it) but what I’m saying is there’s a very good possibility that she didn’t have a choice in the matter.

        Most of the continuity of government laws were put into place with the goal of keeping the government functional in the event of the Cold War going hot… The Secret Service has the legal authority to drag the President, Vice-President, et. al. into the bunker kicking and screaming.

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