From Stars and Stripes:

National Guard troops to receive ribbons for protecting nation’s capital

National Guard troops who deployed to the nation’s capital to provide security following the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol Building will be awarded local service ribbons, a defense official said Friday.

The District of Columbia National Guard plans to award at least one of two ribbons to all soldiers and airmen who supported the security mission before, during and after the 59th presidential inauguration in recognition of their service, Air Force Lt. Col. Robert Carver, the spokesman for the Virginia Air National Guard and the director of the Joint Task Force- District of Columbia’s Joint Information Center, said in a statement.

The two ribbons that National Guard troops could receive are the District of Columbia National Guard Presidential Inauguration Support Ribbon or the District of Columbia Emergency Service Ribbon, according to Carver. The inauguration ribbon is also a new decoration, he said.

Here are the ribbons:

What did the Guard protect the Capitol from?

What actual threat now exists?

The biggest threat to them isn’t an armed MAGA militia but government contractors providing undercooked chicken.

This is a token for being the Democrats’ prop in DC.

Worse is if this becomes a political badge like an Order of Lenin.  Every politician in uniform wants one to prove fealty to the Democrats.

This should have been over in a weekend.

Now its a permanent deployment with its own service medal.

This shit will never end.

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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “The Capital guard duty will never end”
  1. Haha, hahahahaha……
    Absolutely, No Shame.
    Good for them, hahahaha.

    When you look at ALL.. these little pieces…
    This post
    The Knee Pad Broad callin france
    Pedo Joe just, OUT of it. And Sniffin all around like a dog
    The Border
    Bat soup flu crap
    The DC BS
    Seth Rich !
    DT’z Antifa BoweL Movement and all there “show troop~ets”
    The Traitorous Mayors and Govenors of The Commie States
    The Enemy DA’zzzz
    On and on and on………..

    Well hell, even Helen Keller….would figure it out.

    When the damn breaks….and it’s Close, Real close.
    It will will crumble completely, like Chinese Concrete…into a million pieces.
    And for quite some time it will flow…… in MANY ways and…For MANY Reasons. For Quite some time.

    It’s “relatively” easy, to get somethin in motion.
    But…… bring it to a halt, mmmmmm.
    Especialy, ….something as Fractured as what is going to appear.

    What is it…something by a thousand cuts…


  2. It’ll be interesting to see how many Guardsmen actually wear either of these on their uniforms. Except for a few cases it’s not mandatory to wear any particular service ribbon.

  3. The guard duty may not end, but Praetorians do have a habit of regular changes of the who they are guarding. Especially if the last Caesar got sloppy on the pay and benefits.

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