The Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone isn’t going anywhere anytime soon unless Trump sends in US troops to repatriate the secessionists.

Despite the fact that the community has been taken over by a warlord and they can’t grow their own food, the Left will support the CHAZ with donations indefinitely.

Understand this, while the Leftist elite do not want to live there, they will support it out of Radical Chic.

In Copenhagen, Denmark, there is a similar zone known as Freetown Christiania.  It’s been a bohemian zone since 1971, and for every reason, it should have collapsed, except that the Leftist European elite subsidizes it because they like to occasionally go there for a day to be seen with the free-spirited artists and to claim to support whatever sort of Leftist Eutopia that the enclave claims to be.

I suspect that the CHAZ will be something similar, maybe not as enduring, but the Leftist elite will subsidize it to “prove” that their Leftist Utopian vision “functions.”

Here is my evidence:

The official word from the Associated Press is:

Trump Fumes as Protesters Stake Out Festive Zone in Seattle

That’s right, warlords and extortion are a “Festive Zone.”

The Mayor of Seattle supports it.

The Summer of Love was a shithole but it has been elevated in the Leftist canon into some sort of Camalot.

Just ask Geroge Harrison of the Beatles how he felt about it:

Governor of Washington Jay Inslee first said that he was unaware of the existence of the CHAZ, then defended it from Trump when the President criticized it.

At the state and local level, politicians are supporting the CHAZ.

It makes no sense for them to support what amounts to a secessionist group, except that the CHAZ represents everything they want.  A police free, anti-racist, totally equitable, anti-capitalist state.  They are going to prove that it works, even if it means funneling other people’s money into it.

This is a little patch of utopia in the middle of Seattle and they are going to make it work, no matter what, because the rest of America, like Orange Man, is bad and has to be shown how perfect life can be if only all conservatives were driven out.

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By J. Kb

11 thoughts on “The Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone is here to stay”
  1. They’ve got signs saying if you enter you are leaving the US. I say we take them at their word. Set up border patrol outside. Dont let anyone through without a passport. Secessionist trying to escape?
    Deport them back into the CHAZ. Impose tariffs on “international” trade in and out of the CHAZ. Build a wall, drop in some cameras, and let the pay per view revenues pay for it.

    1. I would also add that as a “Foreign” territory, the CHAZites would be ineligible to vote. If they couldn’t vote against Trump, that may be one of the harshest sanctions we could employ.

    2. The radio is saying that “someone” made them take down the “you are now leaving the US” signs. I wonder who that someone was? Who’s the boss?

      I think the legalities of troops to deal with other country’s people coming into America vs. dealing with American citizens are rather different.

      1. Don’t have to use troops. Use Border Patrol and ICE.

        Seriously, if they want to leave the US, let them.

  2. It will fall apart for the same reason all those 60’s communes fell apart. Eventually the novelty wears off and it stops being fun. Eventually the Leftist fall to their favorite activity of Purging the Less Devout- which is always all about personality conflicts and less about ideology. Eventually, the leaders begin to sexually harass those lower on the chain, and take the good stuff for themselves.

  3. Bernie, being a subject matter expert (investigate his own experience, residing in a commune back ina day), ought to be there as a consultant.

    What’s that? No dacha, no go? Say what?

  4. The one in Portlandia (“disband ICE” brouhaha) lasted around 6 weeks more or less. Let’s see if Pantyfa & co. can break their record.

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