I was thinking about the Ukrainian guy from my previous post who bought the sniper rifle, calling it a hunting rifle, to defend his homeland.

Then I started thinking about the posts I’ve done on our woke military.

Then I saw this:


Why would China propagandize against our gun rights?

If we are ever attacked, say by China, it’s going to be We The People who are going to have to defend this country.

I severely doubt the ability of our military to defend this country.

I can just see some general having to consult with a DE&I officer about where to put troops that respects the local community and doesn’t select where to establish defensive positions based on systemic racism.

Imagine Red Dawn, but instead of our military being wiped out by a sneak attack, it was wiped out due to to its own incompetence as our military leaders are just amalgamation of every horrible stereotype of the Woke HR manager with her pronouns in her bio, stuffed into a uniform.

More than ever, the greatest threat to those who want to harm us on our own soil is the civilian American gun owner.

The CCP knows this, so the CCP must work to encourage our government to disarm us.

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By J. Kb

16 thoughts on “The CCP is going after your gun rights”
  1. “I can just see some general having to consult with a DE&I officer about where to put troops that respects the local community and doesn’t select where to establish defensive positions based on systemic racism.”

    When I was in the USAF (’88-’96), they were called “Social Actions.” A fellow crewmember’s wife was one, and she refused to socialize with anyone in the squadron. She had the normal uniforms, but had absolutely no duties outside Social Actions. Even some one-striper was put on duty during base-wide exercises (i.e. someone from the CBPO — the financial people — would be put on the flightline with an M16), but not anyone from Social Actions.

    I referred to her as “The Political Officer,” which my buddy found amusing, but which his wife apparently didn’t. But then again, I never met her.

    These types would be among the first to be fragged, if you could even find them in the vicinity.

  2. “If we are ever attacked, say by China, it’s going to be We The People who are going to have to defend this country.

    I severely doubt the ability of our military to defend this country.”

    I don’t doubt our military’s ability to defend the nation…its just that if we got into a shooting war with China (and/or Russia), I think the learning curve is going to be steep and deadly. We haven’t fought a nation with equivalent arms and technology since WW2. And if it gets to the point that We The People are defending the nation, it means that our naval and air power has been defeated or severely degraded.

    This propaganda China is spewing is just them playing the long game. If they could some how exert some influence here on gun control, it weakens us a little bit…just in case.

    While our country is constantly focused on woke olympics and the next election cycle, they are working on the long game.

    1. The Chinese are always playing the long game. Western policy makers tend to think only one election cycle at a time, with a few thinking two election cycles ahead, and a couple of rare ones thinking a decade and some change ahead (e.g., Churchill, Reagan, Thatcher, Eisenhower).

      The Chinese leadership tends to think generationally. Actions taken in the 1950’s didn’t have payoffs until the 1970’s. Maneuvers in the 1980’s only got results in the 2000’s.

      Don’t trust China. China is asshole.

  3. I think you are over-thinking it. They are communists. They hate guns (in the hands of citizens). They are calling on their puppets here in the US to do something about it. Whether they ever intend to come pay a visit or not, as communists, they play the long game, and disarming the citizenry is just one step of many in the long game.

  4. So says the political ideology that’s killed more of its citizens than any other.
    I’ll hang on to my guns & shoot no one until I determine they’re in real need of shooting.

  5. The “Behind every blade of grass…” mentality is an impediment to the CCP plans for a Greater Sino-Pacific Co-Prosperity Sphere.

  6. Our modern military would not be able to land soldiers at Normandy, without first conducting a seventeen month long study on the environmental impact that landing craft would have on Omaha Beach.

  7. “That’s the freedom the US advocates, the freedom to shoot people.”

    Sorry. When and where did that freedom get codified, or officially recognized in any way? Since when does anyone in the US have the freedom to shoot another human being?

    1. Notice that he (ccp spokeshole) says that just like it was a bad thing?

      And, just as if his peeps weren’t shooting dissidents?

      Pot, meet Kettle. Speak amongst yourselves.

      At least, here, we are selective in employing that freedom.

      Or, selective outside of ccp “strategic hamlets” like LA, Chicago, etcetera.

      1. There’s a phrase to the effect that there are some people who really need killing. The guy in that picture is a prime example. The same goes for the people he is speaking for — dictator for life Xi first and foremost, along with the entire CCP leadership and arguably every CCP member.

  8. I recall an often repeated explanation about why the Japanese did not want to engage us in war by attacking us in our homeland being “There is someone with a gun behind every blade of grass.”

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