10 August 1984

Saw it over Only Guns and Money . Probably the most hated movie of the 80s but the Liberal Intelligentsia and Hollywood in general who were always supine to the Soviet’s feelings. I remember a Terrorism professor commenting that the flick was a much needed slap in the face to politicians. But it came from the genius of John Millius who never gave a damn about feelings, specially from Hollywood idiots and assorted politicians.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on ““the chair is against the wall, the chair is against the wall”, Happy Birthday Red Dawn”
  1. Right now if the ChiComs invaded Portland or Seattle, the Left would embrace them as liberators and volunteer to run the death cams to exterminate their MAGA neighbors.

  2. I saw that back in 2012. Good stuff. Got there by way of a blog article that commented on the movie’s line “go to the sporting stores and get all the Form 4473s”. Yup.

  3. My favorite movie. Got the videotape, then the DVD. Saw it first-run at the local theater in 84.

  4. Probably the most hated movie of the 80s but the Liberal Intelligentsia and Hollywood in general who were always supine to the Soviet’s feelings.

    Not much has changed in Hollywood since then — just that they now listen to the Chinese Communist Party instead of the Soviets for their writing and editing cues. But they’re still 100% unwilling to base their production decisions on American pride or pro-American, pro-capitalist, or anti-communist messages.

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