I’ve seen some of the highlights of the Amy Coney Barret hearing.

Mazie Hirono asked her if she was a rapist and then scolded her for using the “outdated” term “sexual preference” for LGBT people, implying she was a bigot because of it.  So did Cory Booker.

Then Senator Dick Durban, ever living up to his name and being a cock, went on a stupid tear about the Second Amendment.

He said gun shows in places including Gary, Indiana, sell firearms without background checks. “Unfortunately, these gangbangers and thugs fill up the trunks of their cars with firearms and head into the city of Chicago and kill everyone from infants to older people,” Durbin said.

Wich Illinois has routinely not prosecuted and has turned getting arrested for illegal gun possession into a revolving door crime.  But because Illinois has a Lefty Attorney General who doesn’t prosecute repeat offenders for gun trafficking, the Supreme Court has to crush the Second Amendment.

“I’m going to take you back in history for a moment and note that when that Second Amendment was written, and you did the analysis of it, we were talking about the likelihood that a person could purchase a muzzle-loading musket,” Durbin said.

“We are now talking about virtual military weapons that can kill hundreds of innocent people. It is a much different circumstance, maybe an originalist pins all their thinking to that musket, but I’ve got to bring it to the 21st century. And the 21st century has people being killed in the streets of Chicago because of the proliferation of deadly firearms,” he said.

The British Army conquered the world with muskets, but never mind, he’s got his talking points.

It amazes me Judge Barret is able to remain poised during this whole thing.

I’d be telling these people “oh shut the fuck up you dumb shit-for-brains motherfuckers.”




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By J. Kb

13 thoughts on “The character of a Judge”
  1. It’s hazing pure and simple … and anyway, the Repubs have the votes. She doesn’t need to “turn” any Dems.

    She knows all this. I expect it does wonders for one’s peace of mind.

    1. The Republicans don’t necessarily have the votes, though.

      Out of 53 Republicans, Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) have signaled that they don’t support her. The Democrat Party has already decided that none of their Senators shall vote for her (which kind of defeats the purposes of both the Senate and democracy, but whatever — we already knew they’re hypocrites).

      That leave 51 Republicans, ALL of whom will have to vote in favor of confirmation before election day; it’s highly unlikely we’ll have time to nominate AND confirm another candidate before November.

      It’s gonna be close no matter what.

        1. Yes, he does.
          Also, both those RINOs didn’t actually say they would vote against confirming; they said they didn’t support having the hearings. Now that the hearings are happening and the vote will occur, they may in fact vote in favor. Maybe not — but they haven’t actually promised either way. You have to read carefully, but if you do you will see this.
          BTW, it’s also possible for a lame duck Senate to confirm; this has been done before. (Adams nominated and the Senate confirmed a Justice after Adams lost to Jefferson.)

  2. Technology changes. RIGHTS dont. DICK. so what hast dickie done about crime??? Crickets. Do I hear crickets? I couldnt go be a senator. I have to bring a trailer truck fulla baseball bats

    1. I couldn’t sit there and listen to them prattle on about subjects they clearly know squat about.

      Like the Constitution, for example.

      If I were sitting in ACB’s seat, the second he mentioned the “muzzle-loading musket vs. 21st century firearms” argument (we’ve all heard it), I’d tear into him about technology, the internet, and the 1st, 4th, 5th, and 10th Amendments, and if we protect computer and internet use — even though they’re commonly used for illegal purposes — the 2nd Amendment and modern firearms deserve identical protections.

      And if he’s going to limit 2A protections to historical firearms, he’s going to have to limit the others to historical contexts, too.

      Then again, I’m not a judge, and I haven’t been nominated to the highest court in the land.

  3. Do the same people advocate for legalizing recreational drugs? Most likely.

    Drugs are a way for the government to control the people, guns are a way for the people to control the government. Is it any wonder that people who want control are for legalized recreational drugs and against private ownership of guns?

  4. It amazes me Judge Barret is able to remain poised during this whole thing.

    Judicial temperament, right there, on display for the world to see.

    Also, I’ll note:

    We are now talking about virtual military weapons that can kill hundreds of innocent people. It is a much different circumstance, maybe an originalist pins all their thinking to that musket, but I’ve got to bring it to the 21st century.

    Says the man in the Senate committee with several members attending via internet video conference, and the whole country watching the same way. Maybe we need to bring the 1st Amendment thinking of the hand-crank-operated printing press into the 21st century, hmmm?

  5. The more I watch/follow these proceedings, the more I like Amy Coney Barret. Trump hit it out of the park with her nomination.

    She knew she was walking into a gauntlet of opposition, and she came prepared. So far, I have not seen a single bit of leftist mud stick.

  6. I pointed out back in https://gunfreezone.net/do-unto-others-bill-of-rights-version/ what the consequence of Durbin’s “reasoning” is. You’d lose all freedom of expression except for orating on a soap box at the street corner without a megaphone. And a fair number of people would lose their freedom of religion because their particular sect hadn’t been created yet in 1789. That includes ones typically filled with Dem supporters — Reform judaism comes to mind.

  7. Never mind the Amendments, right there in the body you have Letters of Marque and Reprisal and the Patent Office.

    Founders definitely envisioned privately owned battleships.

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