Truth be told. I hope this turns out to be a hoax.
A little bit bigger:
If this turns out to be true, I do not want to hear any more gun control talk from a Chicago politician, journo or basically anybody from there preaching how to bring down “gun crime” the Liberal way.
Oh, because he said so? I guess that settles it!
OK. He’s the passenger in a car (presumably, he’s not the owner, then). A search is conducted on the “smell” of marijuana (and of course we take the officer’s word for that, BTW). The gun is found in the glovebox.
Presuming those facts, what evidence do you have that the passenger is in the possession of the firearm? What evidence do you have that he even has knowledge that the gun was there? Presuming for the sake of argument that he knew that the gun was there but it was the property of the owner and operator of the vehicle – what crime has he committed? None.
Possession generally requires knowledge of the item and some level of control over it. What evidence is there of even knowledge, much less control?
I was a prosecutor for 11 years (I now do defense work). I would not charge this piece of crap case, in the face of his denial. Because there appears to be little to no evidence to contradict his denial. If I were the defense attorney, I’d take it to trial. And I’d win.
If his prints are on the gun, fine. If he admits that he had it, fine. If the owner of the car claimed it belonged to the felon in the seat beside him, we’re closer (though depending on the circumstances the driver is in, that may not be worth much). But absent some other evidence, being near the gun is not evidence of a crime.
I agree it would be a weak case, however ASA Foxx and her predecessor Alvarez have made a habit of NOT prosecuting any gun charges, even against felons when cases are slam dunks. That is one major reason why Chicago had EIGHT HUNDRED HOMICIDES last year. 800!!! And over Four THOUSAND shot. Chicago and Illinois refuse to lock up repeat violent criminals.
I would love it if AG Jeff Sessions brought a Project Exile program to Chicago, Baltimore, St. Louis, Detroit, and a few of the other worst cities. Lock up gun toting felons. For ten years in a federal out of state prison. The criminals are actually safer in prison, and their neighborhoods are a lot safer if they are far away in prison.
These are my observations from reading the stories and data at Hey Jackass! and Second City Cop.