This is the level of stupid you will face if you decided to go against the accepted Narrative about face masks.

The face mask has now obtained the level of a religious relic.  The level of blind obedience that allows you to dismiss a true barrier and choose instead a colander to defend yourself from a sickness is simply amazing, not not unexpected.  This is Jihadi-Level stupid and if we were dealing with a truly murderous virus, idiots like this would be the equivalent of suicide bombers walking among us.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “The Chin Diaper is just Political Fashion and a Pacifier.”
  1. I literally cannot wear one. Scarring on my lungs from an almost fatal bout of pneumonia back in ’08 leaves me with tunnel vision, dizziness and risk of passing out after 5 minutes in a face diaper. I wouldn’t wear one of I could, but I learned the hard way after sanding drywall in ’09 wearing a respirator that I am a No-go at this station.

  2. There was a video near when all this started of a bunch of IL politicos taking off their masks when they thought the cameras were turned off.

    Can’t find it anymore. Lots of videos/articles about Trump taking his mask off though.

    Then there’s all the politicians flitting about the country then going on about tighter restrictions for the prols.

  3. But… but…. but, Jorge has logic, reason and science on his side.

    However, if asked to provide any demonstrable proof that masks of any kind slow the spread of the virus, he will not be able to do so. Yet, there is more and more evidence every day that mask mandates do not help in any way.

    But, you are stupid because of science.

  4. “Science.” You keep using that word, but I don’t think it means what you think it means.

  5. I have been very much pro masks while interacting with people, especially in close quarters, at the beginning of the year. Why? Because I read more or less all significant literature on the matter available at the time and the benefits far out weighted the risks known at the time.

    On the other side, I have always been against outdoor use of masks and of lockdowns of healthy people. Again, this was based on a thorough research of the literature available. The only thing our dummy governor did right at the time was not requiring masks if you can get the idiotic 6ft.

    Now I find myself on the other side of the barricades.

    Despite the data now overwhelmingly showing that the Covid 19 outcomes are comparable to the flu, the reaction to it is comparable to the plague.

    Moreover, when I hear all the breathless news stories about the growing number of infections, it is a constant reminder how low the medical profession has fallen. I did know that the average doctor has little understanding of statistics or laboratory techniques, but to this extent? Do they seriously not understand that increased number of tests will provide increased number of positives and excessive number of PCR cycles commonly in use (above approx. 30-33 depending on primers and the sample prep) will shoot the number of false positives into the stratosphere?

    In short. Take it from somebody who has enough credentials and experience to understand this sh*t: this is not about science. At all.

    I do not know what it is about. What I do know is that nobody wants to advise/implement the obvious simple cheap prophylactic measures: vit D, vit C, Zinc, encouraging exercise and fresh air (even better combined). And do not even start me on HCQ.

    Last January I thought I knew the extent of the decline of the US Healthcare. I had no Idea.

    1. Same here — at first we didn’t have much information, and what information we had looked bad, so taking care made sense. But now we have better data, effective therapies, and it’s not that big of a deal for most people. The people acting like we’re living through a new Black Death are just more drama queens thinking they have to live in a Hollywood epic.

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