I am not a target of morons like this, thank God. But I would return the favor of the lights with a very simple rental: A theatrical follow spot light. I figure 6,000 lumens at that distance should make for an interesting outburst of Antifa Vocabulary.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “The choice is yours”
  1. You are dealing with children here. Seriously. Who acts like that? Four year olds who are not getting their way, that’s who.

  2. I am not a target of morons like this, thank God.

    Not yet. Just wait until they get a taste of political power. Not just a fawning media or the supportive words and tolerance of those in power; REAL political power.

    If they ever get real power, you’ll be a target, as will we all.

    Lindsay Graham said it best during the Kavanaugh hearings: “Boy, y’all want power. God I hope you never get it.”

    And I fully support the spotlight “returned favor”, preferably mounted and/or controlled remotely so they can’t laser at or near it and blind you.

  3. Now that is an interesting idea. High output lights either remotely controlled or able to be aimed from concealment by some method or another.

    It’s not actively violent, disrupts their view of your home and actions, and much harder (but not impossible) to spin as some deranged slavering white supremacist’s wish to kill the wee little innocent babs outside your home.

    1. Nah, it’ll just be spun as some deranged slavering white supremacist’s wish to permanently blind the wee little innocent babes outside your home.

      As if the “wee little ones” aren’t already doing that with their green and blue lasers.

    2. I have a set of floodlights on the various sides of the house and barn, all wired to a common switch. Simple.

      A friend used to work at the GE Lighting research lab. One of her colleagues worked on a nice bulb… a 10 kW halogen lamp. It was a bit smaller than a beer can. That would be a nice tool for the application you mentioned here.

  4. Ya know, I’m reminded of people who leave their shopping trolleys behind someone’s car, right in front of the driver’s door, or in the middle of an empty space.

    If someone did that “to” them, they’d be up in arms.

    Now imagine a group from the Right making this sort of ruckus (“Can you describe the ruckus?”) outside of, say, Maxine Waters’ or Nancy Pelosi’s house. Besides the fact that it wouldn’t happen, it would be the top news story 25 hours a day. Oh, the cruelty.

    Too bad 37mm rubber bullet rounds are a no-no. j/k (Or, not.)

  5. Batteries plus here in Maine sells a 6K lumen flash light. Its rechargeable. I am picking one up soon maybe 2. Always mount lights pointing away from your house. As Im sure yall know. Enough light on em they wont see the muzzle flash. Heh heh

  6. It’s LED so if you could pulse that puppy at about 20 pps it would make about 1/2 of them toss their cookies.

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