CNN was the first network to project Democrat Joe Biden as the winner of the 2020 election early Saturday and reaped the top Nielsen ratings for the fifth and final day of the election coverage.

CNN beat the TV competition in total viewers Saturday with 4.2 million (as well as leading for adults 25-54 and younger viewers 18-34), according to Nielsen. MSNBC was second with 3 million, Fox News Channel third with 1.73 million.

CNN tops ratings for election Day 5 after cable network is first to project Joe Biden as winner

I think it was Rush Limbaugh that said something like this about elected people changing when they moves to DC: it was hard for some to remain faithful to principles when you are surrounded by your moral competitors. The need to be a part of a community will eventually lead the weak to forsake their beliefs. They also want to be invited to parties and be recognized and that does not happen if you dare to be different, so they change to fit.

This also applies to Fox News. NYC is/was the great Media center and Fox News was seen as the interloper, the Rodney Dangerfield dressed in loud clothes invading the immaculate sanctity of the country club golf course. But eventually they started to change and behave more and more as the competition. I gave up on them as source of news when Sheppard Smith was granted the channel’s top celebrity spotlight and he finally started to show his hidden liberal feathers.  I believe what they did to O’Reilley was morally dishonest and their lack of backbone defending Hannity and Tucker Carlson speaks volumes about where management truly stands.

And then came the 2020 election where the Never-Trumpers and other selected Liberals in Red decided to support the Democrats.  I guess that was pretty much the last nail for millions of viewers, enough to send the channel behind MSNBC in electoral ratings, something I think it has not happened since the network was created.

The worst part? Don’t expect the other side to come flocking and make up for lost ratings: They are so hated by Liberals that a traditional “Insult” against Conservatives is to be told he watches too much Fox News.

And after this election, it has indeed become an insult.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

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