From today’s Senate confirmation hearings:

Let me make this perfectly clear.

If you are an adult, and you want to transition your gender, after years of understanding who you are, and fully emotionally mature and cognizant of what you are doing, go right ahead.  That is your right in a free society.

However, children are not adults.

Anyone who pushes gender transition on a child, especially a pre-pubescent child deserves to skip to the front of the woodchipper line.

Particularly since the sudden and drastic rise in trans-children appears to be a social contagion.

This is absolutely a hill I am willing to die on.

Every single Republican should vote against this confirmation and any Republican that votes for confirmation needs to be voted out next time.

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By J. Kb

13 thoughts on “The confirmation hearing of Dr. Mengele”
  1. My nephew came out of the closet to his mom and stepdad a couple of weeks ago.

    He’s eleven.

    She’s delighted. She told my wife that she told him all the “we love you just the way you are” stuff that you’d tell your 20 year old son. But here’s the thing: She’s a 40 year old pink-haired leftist who had her then-seven-year-old son so scared that Trump was going to send death troopers to kill everyone with skin pigmentation that he couldn’t function.
    When he was 4 she started making him wear girls panties “because he’s too aggressive.” When he was 8 she yelled at him for going in to detail about his favorite show because a woman asked him about it… He was mansplaining, you see, by ANSWERING THE QUESTION.

    Overall, I’ve suspected that she’s wanted him to be transgender since he was 3 or so in order to use him as a vehicle to attack conservatives. Oppression by proxy. She’s super excited to have a gay tween but that novelty won’t be enough now that 16% of people under 20 identify as lbgtqefgeieio now. I give it 2 years before “he” decides he’s trans so that his mother will pay attention to him again.

    1. In a “can’t tear my eyes away from the trainwreck” kind of way, I’d love to know the chain of ‘reasoning’ that led to trying to control “aggression” with girls panties. In a sane time, I’d say call child protective services on her, but today that would just end with you under investigation.

      The modern “woke” cult has less understanding of human sexuality than early bronze age farmers; prove me wrong.

  2. I posted this over on Free Republic:

    Minors can’t buy alcohol, can’t vote, can’t sign contracts, can’t engage in consensual sex, all because they have not developed mentally enough to make potentially life altering decisions. But somehow, minors are mentally developed enough to decide to agree to high risk medical procedures that will permanently sterilize themselves.

    This is child abuse writ large, and in a sane universe, would be treated as such.

  3. Last time I looked at this I found out that we get a thousand deaths and around 5,000 more with “serious side effects” every year from those puberty blocking drugs when they’re very rarely used. Does it want to guess how many will die when they’re used by every child for six to eight years?

    It’s genocide of children.

  4. Even more telling is Levine’s standing by the claim that the trans process should be *accelerated* among “street youth” … an unspoken affirmation of Margaret Sanger’s claim that “human weeds” need to be eradicated? Dr. Mengele, indeed. And we believers wonder whether the US is under divine judgment … how could we NOT be?

  5. What percentage of the population is actually, really transgender?

    Not transgender because they have psychological issues due to abuse as a child, or transgender because it is cool, or anything like that. I am talking about people who are born in the wrong sex body. Percent of the human race? What maybe 1% tops? More like 0.1%?

    Yet, front and center across the left side of the political aisle is transgender rights. Why?

    It is not about supporting transgenders.

    It is about destroying the cultural norms.

    1. In my circle of people I know, albeit only slightly, I know of 5. That circle is at least 1000 people, probably more. So my personal sample says well below one percent.
      Interestingly enough, all of them are XY identifying as female.

      A thought occurred to me: a well known leftist goal is the depopulation of the world (by 90% or more). One wonders if this is a tactic to go with that goal. If so, it seems Darwin is laughing — since the tactic seems to affect the left much more than the right.

  6. It’s good to see Rand Paul asking the hard questions.

    People forget that before he was a U.S. Senator, he was a practicing doctor. Of ophthalmology, but a doctor nonetheless.

    And so he does know a few things about the medical jargon being tossed about by Rachel Levine, and he’s not shy about pressing the points.

    I loved, after she repeatedly dodged the question, that he said, “Let the record show [Levine] refuses to answer the question.” That made it official; it’s part of the Congressional record that she didn’t sufficiently answer the questions posed to her.

    (And then the Committee Chair thanked her for her answers. WTF?)

    Not that that counts for anything in the short term — she’ll be confirmed anyway — but having that record will matter.

  7. This socalled doctor is mentally disturbed and should not be a federal bureaucrat. Anyone giving hormone blockers to children under the age of 18 is a monster.

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