Commission to meet Tuesday to finalize new Minnesota state flag

On Tuesday, Minnesota will be one step closer to choosing a new state flag.

Dr. Anita Gaul is the vice chair of the group finalizing the next Minnesota flag.

The Worthington resident was proud when one particular design rose to the top — designed by a young man who is also from her region.

She says the original design intended the blue to reflect our waters and skies, the green for our agriculture and forests, and the white for our snow and clouds.

This is the new flag:


No, I’m sorry, that’s the flag of the Putland State of Somaila.

This is the new flag:


Wait, I’m wrong again. That is the flag of the Jubaland State of Somalia.

This is the new flag:


Shit!  Wrong a third time.  That’s the flag of the Glamudug State of Somaila.

This is the new Minnesota state flag:


You can see how it’s confusing.

Remember, this is the old and current Minnesota state flag:

That was deemed racist, because it featured a white man plowing a field and there was a gun on it.

So they replaced that one with a flag that looks like a Federal Member State flag of Somaila.

Considering that Minneapolis is home to the largest Somali community in the country, I can see why.

It’s deference to their conquerors.

Give it a year and I’m sure the Minnesota state government will rename the largest city Minneabad and the state Minnesotastan.

It’s more Progressive.

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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “The conquest of Minnesotastan”
  1. I wonder how much this stupidity is costing the tax payers? And ignoring your point that it looks Somalian for a moment, it just plain has no character…

    1. Agreed. It’s about as exciting as the national flag of Libya.
      One of the things I’ve always appreciated about U.S. State flags — as opposed to the world’s national flags — is that they are distinctive and usually detailed. A plurality, including Minnesota’s current flag, include the State Seal, which also happens to make them easier to identify.
      I don’t know why they’d trade that for the ho-hum style of a third-world national flag, other than to appease their resident third-world conquerors.

    1. I suspect that a lot of Minnesotans will continue to fly the old flag. I also suspect that the Minnesota State Government will declare flying the old flag to be a hate crime like flying the Confederate flag.

      1. And I suspect that people will fly it anyway, the police will largely choose to look the other way, and if they don’t it’ll land in federal court as a First Amendment case.

  2. look on the bright side- in a few years We the People will have a nice place to dump ALL our hazardous waste….
    oh, byw- this “stripe and star” type of flag is showing up all over. our new “state” flag is similar…

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