Last month I covered how New Jersey’s governor made is clear that the purpose of the post-Bruen concealed carry law was to effectively make concealed carry impossible in New Jersey by law abiding citizens.

“What kind of state do we want to be? Do we want to be like Mississippi or Alabama, whose firearm death rates are nearly five times ours, or do we want to remain a state where people can actually be and feel safe?” Murphy said at a bill signing event flanked by gun control advocates in red “Moms Demand Action” shirts. “This law ensures that no matter what Washington might throw at us, we will keep doing everything we can to ensure the safety of our citizens.”

A judge recognized the unconstitutionality of the law and upheld a temporary injunction against it.

Some of the excerpts are great.

I highly recommend that you read the whole thing here.

The state of New Jersey was smacked down hard.

I hope this trend continues where these anti-CCW states are forced to comply with Bruen.


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By J. Kb

One thought on “The courts are seeing through the post-Bruen reaction laws”
  1. Bleep bleepin bleep new jersey. Buncha America hating liberals… hope the citizens get busy livin soon…

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