I thought that the FOX show Deputy was woke preening.

I was wrong, it’s real life in LA County.

Los Angeles sheriff releasing inmates, urging fewer arrests to help combat coronavirus
The inmate population has been decreased by more than 600, in part through early release of those with less than 30 days left on their sentences.

Whoo boy.

“Our population within the jail is a vulnerable population just by virtue of who they are and where they’re located,” Sheriff Alex Villanueva said Monday at a news conference. “So, we’re protecting that population from potential exposure.”

Yep, criminals are just like your nana and pop-pop, they are a “vulnerable population” too.

Oh wait, they got themselves thrown into the harsh conditions of jail because they committed crimes and harmed people.

In Los Angeles County, the largest county prison system in the US, Villanueva said his office had reduced the population from 17,076 inmates to 16,459, a reduction of more than 600 inmates, in about two weeks.

Meanwhile, police departments across the county — including the Los Angeles Police Department — are reducing the number of arrests per day, cutting back from an average of about 300 to 60 this past weekend, Villanueva said. That’s because those who can just be cited without being booked at local jails are being released.

That has worked so well in San Francisco that they are boarding up the city like a hurricane is coming.  Rob a store for $950 worth of stuff, get a ticket, do it again the next day.  That is the San Fransicso pattern.  Just citing these people will cause them to commit crimes again.

The American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California tweeted that the reduction of more than 600 inmates “is a start but nowhere enough” and urged Villanueva to release anyone who would not pose a physical safety risk to the community.

Prop 47 already downgraded a bunch of crimes, so that to be arrested right now you pretty much have to pose a physical safety risk to the community.

How much more are they going to loosen that standard?

This is ridiculous.

The crime rate in these cities is going to spike like nothing we’ve ever seen before.

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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “The COVID-19 Purge: LA Edition”
  1. “Prop 47 already downgraded a bunch of crimes, so that to be arrested right now you pretty much have to pose a physical safety risk to the community.”

    I’m not even certain that’s enough. Didn’t Prop 47 downgrade assaulting a police officer to a misdemeanor?

  2. Hang on, let me see if I have any fucks to give about the leftard coast and their stupidity…

    :::checks pockets:::

    Nope, fresh out.

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