Found this thread in twitter via @RedFizo1.

What is going to happen to these people when the Science changes once again and invalidates the dogma of the Gospel of Saint Fauxci? I fear they will all end up eternally sleeping in bunk beds wearing the same sneakers waiting for the virus-free spaceship to take them to a virus-free planet.



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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “The COVID Cult Of The Stupid”
  1. Double, Triple, quadruple Vaxed. Just stay home and don’t leave the house and let the rest of live our normal lives.

  2. These people are complete losers who have completely molded their psyches and lives around covid and worship the political secular religion of “science”. I know no one like this is in real life, but alas, Twitter has shown us again that pitiful insanity is alive and well somewhere out there.

  3. “What is going to happen to these people when the Science changes once again and invalidates the dogma of the Gospel of Saint Fauxci?”

    The same thing that happened when the CDC finally admitted that the masks most people were are worthless. The covidstani drones continued to ignore the real science and wear masks, mandate masks, and berate people who had enough of the lying and hypocrisy.

    Full disclosure, back when it seemed that the vaccine offered protection against infection like a real vaccine I got both Moderna jabs. No observable side effects. Now, I am better informed and won’t get any additional boosters.

  4. Some people say “You can’t fix stupid”.

    I say those people haven’t tried using a big enough sledge hammer.

    The best news I’ve heard is that they may all be dead from AIDS in a year or two.
    One can but hope.

    If true, it would solve both the looming food shortages, and the paucity of enough ammo to deal with the stupid survivors.

    1. I’ve seen the right wing sites that have attempted to make the AIDS connection to the vaccines, it’s basically fever dreaming from people who are angry that the vaccines haven’t killed everyone who took one. They need to be right in the same way that Branch Covidians like the ones in the above tweets feel the need to be right. They have centered their lives around this all being a hoax and the vaccines being an attempt at mass murder. We have loonies on our side, too.

      1. So they’re loony for being able to see facts, such as the clotshots have killed more people than ALL true vaccines over the past twenty years? That supremely healthy athletes are having heart problems seemingly more each week? That strokes are more frequent? That the death rate for 18-35 age group is up 80%? That suicides are through the roof? That the “supply chain” for everything is breaking down? All in the groups that have taken the clotshot? And higher rates for boosted true believers? Those loonies?

        1. “So they’re loony for being able to see facts, such as the clotshots have killed more people than ALL true vaccines over the past twenty years?”
          Maybe true. Though I’d be loathe to rely strictly on VAERS reporting and other anecdotal nonsense to make this claim.

          “That supremely healthy athletes are having heart problems seemingly more each week?”
          Anecdotal statement. Might be true, might not. No previous control group to compare it to. It’s all over social media, however. People eat it up.

          “That strokes are more frequent? That the death rate for 18-35 age group is up 80%?”
          Are they? Which vaccine is causing it? Pfizer, Moderna, or J&J? Is this limited to America? What about overseas where other vaccines are being used. You mention the “clotshot” here, but you’re not clear, nor is anyone else using that term, which vaccine is the clotshot. The mRna vaccines? What about the ones using other technologies? Are they all the clotshot?

          Vaccines are causing suicides and a supply chain breakdown?

          There’s a saying, “To the Left, everything is racist, and to the Right, everything is a conspiracy”. For every Fauci worshipping COVID doomer who thinks vaccines and science are the end all be all and naively thinks COVID was an existential threat, there is an equally insane person who yearns for true mass deaths to begin in the vaccinated for no reason other than they have staked their whole life on assuming everything is a massive conspiracy and they cannot handle the thought that they might be wrong. Both sides are utterly pathetic, and are not capable of stepping out of their myopic box.

        2. Julio Lugo dropped dead of a heart attack last fall, a few days shy of age 46. He keeled over walking out of a gym…Lugo was a retired MLB player; he was an MLB a coach, still played in the Dominican winter leagues, and while no longer had the ability to play in MLB (he was a journeyman and never a “great” player, mostly because he couldn’t hit), he was still in excellent shape.

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