A buddy of mine sent me this:



This guy went to the CHAZ believing that he was making a difference.

He got ripped off and then he was told he should be grateful about being ripped off.


This is even worse.  They get mad at him for feeling violated.  His feeling violated about being ripped off is privilege.  Everyone else at the CHAZ deserves his stuff more than he does.

Also, I want to point out the (((help))) thing.

The triple parenthesizes are known as an “echo” and it originated on an antisemitic website to identify Jews, generally implying membership in a Jewish conspiracy.

I’m not exactly sure why this person put an echo around “help.”  Are they implying that help is Jewish?

What is striking is that the author of that response attacks the person complaining about being violated for using his “white power” while using a symbol that literally started on a white supremacist website.

Once again, I find myself posting this clip from Doctor Zhivago:

Everything about it accurate to the CHAZ.  Some communist stooge throws her weight around, to make the Doctor feel afraid and ashamed after she redistributes his property to others, then criticizes him for owning it in the first place.  The Doctor is forced to parrot the communist dogma or risk being punished.  Even the destruction of Holy Cross Hospital to be “reformed” into something that appeases the communist zealots who wanted to wipe out everything that existed before the revolution matches what is going on with the defacement of monuments.

The CHAZ is the Soviet Revoluion in a microcosm.

Comrade Kaprugina exists in the CHAZ to scold people who feel violated after they are ripped off.

I know some people who have been commenting on this blog see the CHAZ as being mostly filled with useless but mostly harmless Lefties who will get disaffected in a few days and go back to daddy’s basement.

I think the reality is that the CHAZ is filled with Comrade Kapruginas and Wannabe Ches and what is going in there is actually very dangerous.




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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “The cruel Communist reality from inside the CHAZ”
  1. The problem isn’t the CHAzites are useless. The problem is, they are demonstrating how far people will follow the Piper down the garden path.

    Re the guy who got his stuff stolen … really, what did he expect after the communal food supplies were stolen? He knew the kinds of people he was in there with. Hopefully the event, and the responses he got to it, will wake him up.

  2. My family belongs to the SCA (sca.org). One of the big events is called “The Pennsic War” at which 40 to 60 THOUSAND people attend for a two week event.

    During that time they live in tents and other portable (NOT RVs) lodgings.

    While there is some crime, there isn’t much and people can wander out of their camp and not worry about people going into their tents and just taking stuff.

    I’ve been camping many times, you just don’t worry about people going into your tents.

    The fact that these bozos are ok with people stealing from others and feel that it is just an “donation” to the under privileged makes me sick.

    1. And that’s with all the booze and getting hit on the head that goes on at Pennsic!

  3. Seriously, actually owning stuff is privilege? Working and earning what you have is privilege? I guess when everyone in the SCHAZ has nothing, equality is achieved.

    And, to the idiot that actually carried something of value into an area without laws, HA-HA! You are an idiot. You actually believed the hype and propaganda about how wonderful it was. You deserve it. My only regret is that you are not likely to have learned any lessons here. In fact, next time you are presented with the opportunity to have an “unplanned donation” I will be you participate in it. (I am guessing the next establishment of an independent country following Trump’s re-election)

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