From The Cut:

The Senseless Killing of Brandon Bernard
Trump’s decision to go ahead with his execution feels like cruelty for the sake of cruelty.

Brandon Bernard was claustrophobic, locked in a room by himself for 23 hours a day for 17 years, with just a sliver of sky, and by the end he was making sweaters. He hadn’t become angry, or mean; he hadn’t been driven out of his mind, and he shouldn’t have been put to death. Bernard seems to have been an extraordinary person; after he was killed, his lawyers said he hoped even in death he might help move us closer to a future when our country will not “pointlessly and maliciously” kill its own citizens.

I am struck by the ordinary peace of crocheting. Maybe he found rhythm in the repetitive movement of his hands, like meditation. At the end, you get a sweater. The human soul and body is so remarkable that even in torture, in isolation so severe it’s designed to cut off the heart from love like oxygen from the brain, Bernard got a hobby.

Bernard kidnapped and murdered two people, locking them in the trunk of a car and setting it on fire with one of the two victims still alive to burn to death.

That is cruelty for the sake of cruelty.

That after 20 years he decided to take up crocheting to pass the boredom of sitting on death row isn’t redeaming.

The person who wrote this is human fucking garbage.

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By J. Kb

One thought on “The Cut doesn’t understand cruetly”
  1. I’m am sickened at how some people try to excuse the behavior of others when they commit a conscious act. Life has choices. Sometimes you pick the wrong one. That’s when the consequences can kick in.

    Some of the comments on the article saddened me as well.

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