Philippe Reines was an advisory to Hillary Clinton when she was Secretary of State.  He sent out a vile Tweet in regards to a Page Six story about Donald Trump Jr.’s wife.

This shows more about Reines and the Democrats than anything else.

The Latin Kings are a notoriously violent street gang that has made its mark by selling drugs and murdering people.

Reines fetishizies them.  Fetishizing criminals is a longstanding tradition in among the Left.  Che was a racist, violent, murder; but one picture and he became a cultural icon.

This is why the Dems have become anti-cop.  They love criminals more than decent, law abiding people.

Forget decency, if you want the Dems to love you, go out and break the law.  It worked for Clinton, Menendez, and about half the Illinois’ and New York’s state goverment.

If have one bit of advice for Don Jr.  Take Reines up on his belief.  If Reines loves the machismo of a violent criminal, break every bone in his body with a crowbar.  I’m sure when you are done making him eat is words along with his teeth and maybe his balls too (I’m not kidding, MS-13 does that and you see how much the Dems bend over backwards not to condemn them) your dad will pardon you.  I know I would.

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By J. Kb

One thought on “The Dems just love criminals”
  1. “Former Latin King … served various prison terms …” Color me skeptical, but I doubt he has renounced his gang affiliation. Sounds to me like Ms. Trump made a much better bargain marrying Don Jr. than staying with the “former” gangster.

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