We need more video from other sources, but this presents a compelling case.

Five videos in total.

If this is true, the pool of people associated with the murder of Lee Keltner just grew by at least 2 more and Denver 9News may end up selling just about everything to pay the court settlement.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “The Denver Shooting: A staged Media event that went tragically wrong?”
  1. You might want to spend some time at The Intercept. Not for their writing, although you might want to consider their words. But they have a nice collection of videos that clearly illustrate that the deceased pretty much flocked around and found out.

    The only question is whether the defense is going to be able to articulate that the use of force was commiserate to the threat.

    For the folks that argue that a skateboard is a deadly weapon, I’m thinking it’s going to be hard to not argue that someone striking you and threatening to deploy mace (and who has just claimed to have a knife) constitutes a legit danger.


    1. Thank you for that video. A couple of points, though.

      First, it’s clear from the video series Miguel posted that the guy in the Black Guns Matter shirt was the one who was “flocking around” as you say. He was the instigator in the whole thing, following people as they left the rally, screaming at them, using racial slurs, etc.

      Second, the video series Miguel posted also makes it clear that the guy BGM is accusing of claiming to have a knife not the guy who got shot. Keltner is out of frame when BGM starts confronting yet another person and claims that person has threatened him with a knife.

      The video from The Intercept, strangely, does not include the stills that clearly show mace was sprayed after Dolloff drew his gun. The producer says, in error, that Dolloff shot Keltner after Keltner tried to mace the producer. That is unequivocally untrue, but an understandable conclusion for the producer to have come to in the moment.

      Here is one of the stills in the series, showing that Dolloff was starting his draw as Keltner was walking backwards, with his mace down by his side

      Now, The Intercept video does lead one to believe that Keltner was trying to manhandle the producer, but it’s inconclusive based on all the other available evidence

    2. So I actually tried to dig my way through theintercept.com article. The biggest take away I got was “The Shooter wasn’t a leftist because he was hired as security.”

      It doesn’t matter what he was doing that day, he has a history of acting as a leftist.

      So let’s say Miguel walks down to the local Trump rally and stands around taking pictures. He is there as a photographer. He is acting as a photographer. That does not mean he is suddenly not a 2A supporter and conservative blogger.

      He can be a photographer at the moment and still remain all the other things.

      This is a common trend in left leaning circles. “Well yes, he was trying to kill that person 5 seconds ago. But at the moment he was shot, he was just standing there (with his bludgeon cocked for a follow up strike).”

      The article was also full of other language games. Things like “skateboard made contact with the defendant’s shoulder”. Uhh, yeah, I guess so. And the 5.56 that hit the wife beater made a single penetrating hole. A simple bandaid would have covered the hole.

      So after reading the article I learned nothing new. What I learned is that the game is to make “self-defense” mean nothing. My son talks about the fact that since the term “Racist” doesn’t mean anything today because it means everything, we need a new word for what “Racist” use to mean. We have a well defined meaning for the term “Self-defense”. Being slapped or pushed away when you attempt or lay hands on me is not a deadly threat. No *reasonable* person would be in fear of their life. Holding a can of mace at my side is not a deadly threat. Having somebody grab the barrel of my weapon and try and yank it away *IS* a deadly threat. Having a weapon sitting in my holster is not a deadly threat. Having my rifle slung in a two point sling is not a deadly threat.

      When the left is saying that hitting somebody over the head with a skate/long board is not a deadly threat but holding a can of mace is a deadly threat it gets very hard to know what somebody means when they say “He acted in self-defense”. In the same way, they use things like “Stand your ground” when it is simple self defense because SYG is easier to vilify than self defense and once they win the verbal battle against SYG they can say “But we really meant self defense and you’ve already agreed that …”

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