Remember that in 1978, the Supreme Court decided in National Socialist Party of America v. Village of Skokie that Nazis had the right to march through an American city that had the highest concentration of Holocaust survivors in the country because the First Amendment protected them.

It was a Jewish attorney with the ACLU, David Goldberger, who represented the NSP before the Court.

In a quote often misattributed to Voltaire (it actually comes from his biography as a paraphrasing of his beliefs): “I wholly disapprove of what you say and will defend to the death your right to say it.”

I hate these fucks with every fiber of my being but what they are doing isn’t illegal.

This is also why I support the Second Amendment.  Because the second that they step over the line from being obnoxious assholes with their freedom of speach to actual threats, it’s go time to send Nazis to hell.

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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “The difficult thing about Liberty pt 2”
  1. Well, if the jackass is blocking a public right of way, or on private property, or (depending on how defined) creating a disturbance, for instance, then depending on the local laws there are measures that can be taken immediately.
    What a lot of people don’t seem to understand, is the law protects them from the rest of us, as much as anything else.

    1. This is dubious. Under conditions like this therr is a chance they could sue and win and get paid for a civil rights violation. I’d rather leave them alone than pay them taxpayer money in damages.

  2. You have every right to be a twatwaffle. I have every right to ignore you if you are. 🙂
    Recently, an event I have attended for several years was “invaded by Nazis”. I was shocked, considering I’ve never seen anyone in Nazi regalia or spouting Nazi rhetoric in my area. I investigated. Turns out that someone, three person removed from the event, allowed someone else who *might have* been a member of a group that has *some* affiliation with a pro-Nazi organization (by their own description in this case, btw) to camp on the event’s space. From that “several steps from Kevin Bacon” story, we lost most of the main crew for that event, because they believed firmly that the event was being “overtaken by Nazis.”
    I went and talked to several of the people involved, and found out that it was indeed a “friend of a friend of a friend” and that the *harm* that was done was that someone got scared. Not for any reason, mind you. They just got scared, and after the fact, because it was a week before they found out that the person they’d talked to might have, at some point, had contact with someone who knew a Nazi supporter.
    I bucked the trend, and attended the event. I got negative feedback from quite a few people who felt that I would be “supporting the Nazis” in some way. I told them point blank (in front of one of my kids, I might add lol) that if I encountered any Nazis, I’d police them closely and report anything illegal immediately. I also said, “You know, I’m in a really good place right now. I can handle facing up to Nazis. I realize y’all are not emotionally equipped to do that right now, but I am, so I’ll take that hit for the team. I’m strong enough.” The confused look, the half appreciative nod, and my kid’s sniggers were the best reward.

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