From the New York Post:

China expected to displace US as world’s biggest economy by 2028: report

China’s economy has bounced back so quickly after the coronavirus that it is expected to displace the US as the world’s biggest economy by 2028, according to a new report.

The US is expected to contract by 4.4 percent this year — the country’s biggest fall since the Second World War, according to the London-based group.

“The big news in this forecast is the speed of growth of the Chinese economy,” said Douglas McWilliams, deputy chairman of the Center for Economics and Business Research. “We expect it to become an upper-income economy during the current five-year plan period (2020-25). And we expect it to overtake the US a full five years earlier than we did a year ago.”

Ladies and Gentlemen, there you have it.

All the little bits and pieces all come together.

The rumors that COVID was engineered in China.

The idea “15 days to slow the spread” has metastasized into a nearly year.

Now that we have a vaccine, it doesn’t matter because we still have to be locked down until 2021 or 2022.

The fact that Biden, the most blah candidate in modern political history got the most votes ever and beat the anti-China candidate (who got more votes in his second election but still lost), and that the winner was compromised by China vis-a-vis his son.

This was a hit job by the CCP to take revenge for Trump trying to reign in China during his first three years and take out America once and for all.

They did it with the help of the Democrats.

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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “The end goal of COVID, the lockdowns, and The Steal is now crystal clear”
  1. I’ll raise you: China will get Biden and the rest of their puppets in our government to go to war with Russia and we’ll deal with them so China never has to.

  2. Yeah but, their economy is actually hollow so it’s rather like when Hitler conquered a bunch of Europe, loot is no substitute for not knowing how to run an economy. Not that this is doing us any good unless Pence grows a pair on 6 January, I get that.

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