Four people slashed, one punched in chain of attacks on NYC subway train

Five straphangers were randomly attacked by at least two fiends during a terrifying 35-minute span on the rails early Friday in Manhattan, police said.

The first victim was on his way to work while sitting on a southbound 4 train at 4:25 a.m. when he was approached by at least two strangers — one of whom tried to stab him several stops later at 23rd Street, according to cops and police sources.

The victim fought his assailant, only to be attacked again when he was slashed in the face at Union Square, sources said.

The victim got off the train, and was taken to Bellevue Hospital, cops said.

The suspects stayed on board — and targeted two more men asleep in different cars at 4:34 a.m., according to cops.

The suspects still remained on the train — and slashed a 44-year-old man in the head during a robbery at 4:37 a.m., police said.

Then at 5 a.m., in an apparently connected incident, another 44-year-old man was stabbed in the right eye and slashed in the back and left side of his neck, with his backpack also stolen, on a northbound D train at the 59th Street/Columbus Circle station, police sources said.

Two men stayed on a train slashing people for 35 minutes before the cops could stop them.

35 minutes.

Thirty-five minutes.

That’s a fantastic response time.  Realy top-notch.

Imagine being trapped in a metal tube with two knife-wielding psychos for over half an hour.

That’s the sort of thing that horror movies are made of.

Or a weekday commute abord an NYC subway.

The government of NYC has really done a bang-up job of turning NYC into a open-air prison where people are trapped in hell with violent criminals.


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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “The express railway to hell”
  1. And they’ll probably be out on their own recognizance and eventually sentenced to parole.

  2. New York City pre- Giuliani, where you can’t ride the subway in safety, can’t afford housing, can’t pay the taxes, have to wear mask, and can’t defend yourself. Tell me again why anyone wants to live there.

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