Let’s face it: They have been embarrassing the Democrats and Liberals with the truth far too long.  Welcome to full fledged Chavismo/Stalinism.

The FBI conducted an early-Saturday morning raid of Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe’s Mamaroneck, N.Y. apartment, located just north of New York City, in regards to a diary belonging to presidential daughter Ashley Biden that was reportedly stolen.

But in his Friday video, O’Keefe blasted the Biden Justice Department and the FBI who he suggested were targeting his journalism organization for political retribution.

“I awoke to the news that apartments and homes of Project Veritas journalists, or former journalists, had been raided by FBI agents. It appears the Southern District of New York now has journalists in their sights for the supposed ‘crime’ of doing their jobs lawfully and honestly. Or at least, this journalist,” he said.

“We attempted to return the diary to an attorney representing Ms. Biden, but that attorney refused to authenticate it. Project Veritas gave the diary to law enforcement to ensure it could be returned to its rightful owner. We never published it,” O’Keefe said.

James O’Keefe targeted in pre-dawn raid one day after he slams FBI over Ashley Biden diary probe (bizpacreview.com)

This is the video posted by James O’Keeffe

And no, none of the traditional members of Media will come to defend Project Veritas. If you do not belong to their club, you do not deserve Constitutional protections.

Just as Soldier of Fortune Magazine.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “The Federal Targeting of Project Veritas”
  1. Wish the FBI was as thorough with Hunters laptop, or pursuing antifa or BLM, as they are conservatives….partisan hacks.

  2. Just your daily reminder that “I’m a federal law enforcement officer” is a synonym for “I’m a grotesque sack of subhuman filth whose proper place in the world is knelling in the street with a gasoline soaked tire around my neck.”

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