Another blogger (I am sorry, I forget who was itBayou Renaissance Man had this video posted yesterday and I saved to watch it last night. It is an hour and a half, but worth it.

I truly believe that out of all the buildings in Seattle that were set on fire by Antifa/BLM, the only one that would have produced any favorable change for Seattle remained untouched: City Hall.

When there are no consequences for your actions, no matter how negative they can be, the behavior will not change and people will suffer. And I do not mean only the criminals of Seattle but their Council people…OK truly there is not that much of a difference between the two groups.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “The Fight for the Soul of Seattle | A KOMO News Documentary”
  1. I saw this on the Bayou Renaissance Man’s blog initially but didn’t get around to watching it. Thanks for the reminder.

  2. From what I am seeing, most cities are in the same boat.

    City Hall, for some reason, ends up untouched. The Assembly/Legislature and the Mayor (or city executive) always seem to be off limits. Yet, the businesses surrounding them, the average citizen, etc… all seem to bear the brunt of the decisions made by the government.

    It is well past time for the elected officials to be reminded they are elected to represent the people, not just “some” of the people, all of them. Everything about 2020 has clearly demonstrated that our government is no longer governing at the will of the people.

    Seattle and Portland should be lessons for all cities across the nation. Pay attention to who you elect to the local government. If you elect politicians that put “woke” interests ahead of keeping the city running, you get exactly what you voted for.

    Reminder: It is a luxury of the wealthy to care about transgender rights, green new deals, and equality. When you start putting those things above maintaining that wealth, you will lose both.

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