No matter what happens, to the Miami Herald and other South Florida media outlets, this is a medical disaster. I write on this because I called my local Publix pharmacy to renew a prescription and I got a long intro recording which included the announcement about getting the vaccine.  I went to Twitter to check and I was greeted with the tweet below:

I went to the article and at best is a confusing gathering of data which you are supposed to swim through with some of it outdated and some of it not quite ignored, but relegated to the background, sure as hell not given the same Front Page treatment as the alleged failures by DeSantis.

According to the state’s Sunday COVID-19 vaccine report, 1,326,136 people have received the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine in Florida and 667,830 people have completed the series of two doses of either Pfizer or Moderna vaccines.

Of those who completed the two-dose vaccination, 92,417 were Miami-Dade residents, 55,853 were Broward residents, 55,800 were Palm Beach residents and 3,288 were Monroe residents.

South Florida has been the last section of the State to get the wide-net vaccination rolling, no doubt. That has been the crying rally for the papers. But I figured that the “journalists” have little idea and even less interest in the logistics involved in making sure an even distribution is achieved in the most populated counties of the state.  My guess is the figure if they can drive thru the local Starbucks and get one of those coffees with more names than Spanish royalty in 45 seconds, the vaccines should be pretty much the same. Of course they have no idea the thousands of man hours and millions of dollars that require to bring the coffee bean from South America to its percolated version they are holding.

And another bit of info that did not get wide publication was that besides Publix, Winn Dixie supermarkets will also be a part of the vaccination campaign. The most hilarious part is that certain officials of a ceratin county, once very doom-and-gloom, now have different tunes pursing out of their lips:

The strategy is to “provide as many access points for the vaccine as possible,” leading to efficiency and equity in the distribution, said Palm Beach County Mayor Dave Kerner.

Man, I wish they would join the effort rather than politicize it and weaponize it to destroy DeSantis. It makes me shiver to think that this idiots are passing “information” and expect us to take it as gospel while they failed miserably to vet the Democratic candidate for governor who ended up being a junkie and a partaker of male prostitutes.  How well do you think Florida would have fared under the pandemic at the hands of Andrew Gillum?

The though alone is worse than any horror movie.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

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