HOODED gunmen have opened fire with automatic rifles, kalachnikovs, in Marseille, in south France – with one person reportedly injured.
The men opened fire on a group of young people not far from the cultural space known as ‘La Busserine’, local media Corse-Matin reports.
Three vehicles with the masked individuals arrived in the city’s district of Busserine at 5pm local time, France’s ACTU17 said.
As police arrived on the scene they were blocked by some of the suspects in a Renault Megane, France Bleu reports.
There was then a shoot-out with police before the attackers fled the scene.
At this time it is unclear if any arrests have been made, but police are investigating and a cordon has been set up.
Investigators have so far found 9mm and 7.62 shells at the scene which correspond to Kalashnikov bullets

Mr Reynaud also ruled out terrorism as a motive, adding the shooting probably was drug-related.

Marseille shooting: Hooded men open fire with Kalashnikovs.

Apparently we are not hearing most of the stuff happening in Europe. I am not surprised. I know that for years the media will not publish certain crimes because the political master have told them not to. But an attack with AK 47s (and it seems not the first time) is bound to make it to the news even coming out of Marseille which is controlled by organized crime.

Apparently all those Gun Control measure taken by the European Union did not work. Pity, I could have told them that and save them the aggravation.



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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “The French Model of Gun Control: AK 47 fire in Marseille”
  1. There’s atm no european gun law. There are some, you could say, “guidelines” but not a law per se.
    For example, Germany and France have vastly different gun laws and some eastern european countrys have in fact made bying a gun or at least carrying it easier for the citizens. And in Austrai some guns are still as “free” as in the US.

    But in general it’s more restricted as in the US but that mostly stems from the fact that gun ownership around here ist not a right but a privilege.

    Fun Fact: If you’re a hunter in Germany it’s easier for you to get a silencer than it is for a hunter in the US :p

  2. AK-47’s. So they were carried in a backpack or a trunk or a suitcase out of Middle East or maybe some ex-Soviet country, or maybe floated on a boat across the Mediterranean in the hands of a “refugee.”

    Just like all the grenades going off in Sweden.

    French border patrol just can’t search everybody coming in.

  3. Yes, stringent anti-gun laws sure work. Let me see France, yes they work; England, yes they work; Australia, yes they work; other dumbass countries like the United States are anti-gun, yes they work. Any more bright ideas you mind-less anti-gunners. And now you want to confiscate and ban all guns. The two countries that are in the news, England and Australia, are mentioned throughout the world to show how CONFISCATION really works.
    And you gutless wonders don’t know what to do so let’s blame the NRA. I have read many posts against the NRA, and if that’s your answer to the killings then you’re going to lose all your arguments. Showing how STUPID you are only gets people to be on the side of the NRA. Calling the NRA baby killers shows your utmost understanding about the gun issues.
    If you’re going to blame the NRA, why not blame the shootings around the world. Your idiotic, brainless accusations are losing ground.. Do you really believe the bullshit you’re accusing NRA, that any logical person can remotely believe ANY of the bullshit you’re trying to vomit on the American people. It think most people are tired of listening to the pro-gun mob. If they do believe you, I fear for OUR country.

  4. If you watch or listen to international news you will find it’s not all peaches and cream in the rest of the world like the MSM would like you to think. And the funny thing is most of them like Trump!

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