Via The View From North Central Idaho 

US Gun Sales Reach 400 Million (

There is no way in hell any administration can go ahead and try to confiscate weapons from Citizens. It does not mean they won’t try because the level of idiocy when it comes to DC or local state capitals is unending.

And it also confirms that Gun Owners are the most pacific bunch of people you’ll ever meet: That many guns in the hands of ornery and pissed off people? Your favorite Gun Hater would be somewhere in the streets of Paris tweeting about missing the kombucha from back home but knowing he would not make it through a visit without being used to zero a rifle.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “The futility of wishing for Gun Confiscation”
  1. I’ll say it again: the State doesn’t _have_ to confiscate arms. They’ll pass restrictive ownership laws first. Then, a few “examples” among the bumpkins and many people will either turn them in or bury them (same net result).

    Need an example? Bumpstocks. Life in prison in MA—for a piece of plastic. How many people with families will be willing to stand up to the State?

    1. Confiscation vs “burying them” aren’t the same net result. They don’t care if you can’t target shoot with your rifle because you have to keep it hidden. It infuriates them that you possess the rifle at all. A buried rifle is one that could still be used. They want to take them, and anything else is unacceptable. With 400-600 million guns in the wild, it’s a pipe dream that any type of confiscation will ever happen. How many people will stand up to the state? Many will not, but some will. Even if the government hypothetically knew where every gun was and went after them, it would take a small fraction of gun owners to refuse to go quietly to make the whole operation unfeasible, logistically and politically.

    2. I’ve read that in the Revolutionary War, 1/3 wanted to stay British, 1/3 didn’t care either way and 1/3 actually fought/supported the fight. There is more at stake now, I believe, than there was then. Say 500,000,000 guns, means a lot of people. 1/3 willing to fight for freedom? Means 166,666,666.666667 (that’s you on the end). Only 150,000,000 gun owners?? Still 50,000,000 people willing to fight for freedom. How many law enforcement/military? And before you start posting bs about the largest/best army in the world, they just surrendered to goat phucking child rapists, living in caves, that one in ten might be able to read.
      I knew guys 50 years ago, that where willing to fight law enforcement just at the thought they where going to take their rifles. Trust me, interesting negotiations.

      1. @EN2 SS: I get your point about the difference and the wishes of our Betters to disarm us.

        Some people will turn them in to reduce the risk of prosecution. Some people will actually strike back (though probably fewer than claim to be prepared to do so on the Internet). Either way, it will suck. Some people will just try to stay under the radar (see: CT).

        Still, whether we turn them in or bury them, they’re not available for our use (at least temporarily in the latter case).

        I still hang onto the hope that no matter how moronic our, ehem, “leaders” are, they will realize that wholesale confiscation or outright prohibition just won’t have the desired result.

  2. You are reasoning again, Miguel! They don’t deal in reason. They deal in emotions. I once had a discussion on Twitter with a man who wanted all gun owners dead. I engaged him, said that I was a single mom caring for two children and my parents with dementia, and I needed a way to defend my family. Did he want me dead? He doubled down and said, “Yes.”

    He’s not alone.

    It’s not about safety or gun violence. It’s about power, and who should have it.

    Same with vaccines. I am shocked and amused by all these caring, compassionate people who want to save lives by taxing into poverty, imprisoning in camps, and killing the unvaccinated. One loon recently suggested a $10K bounty on the unvaccinated. I wanted to engage him, too, but I am learning that trying to reason with these people is pointless. They aren’t compassionate. Some are power hungry, and some are the mindless rabble who never read a history book that follow the power hungry. They believe they hold the moral high ground, and you can’t convince them otherwise.

  3. That’s what the nukes are for.

    However I believe we hit over 400 million a few years ago. And you have to remove Illinois from these numbers considering they like to run checks over and over again on the same people on a daily basis. They like to look for reasons to take away people’s FOID’s. Illinois alone has done over 38 million checks. Over 7 million this year alone. I bet the vast majority of them were not firearm purchases. However most people and even a lot of gun owners won’t understand that. How many firearms were in circulation in the United States before NICS was put into service? Nobody knows.

    There will be news articles talking about this stating that all these guns are a bad thing and we should do more to reduce the amount of firearms in peoples hands. Because they hate guns and are stupid.

    It changes nothing though. Because there’s only one desired goal of the left when it comes to guns: the complete and total ban of all private gun ownership, with door-to-door confiscation and the execution and extermination of every single solitary United States citizen that owns a firearm.

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