Everytown is shilling for screening of the movie Making a Killing: Guns, Greed, and The NRA, which “tells the stories of how guns, and the billions made off of them, affect the lives of everyday Americans.”


The movie is by the same director that made Koch Brothers Exposed.

That movie was advertised with this flyer:


That looks familiar.  Where have I seen that before…

Oh yeah, NAZI Germany.

Antiseminism Germany 6

If the director and producer of a movie are going to invoke NAZI imagery to push their movie, in a non-ironic way.  That is, seriously equating the Koch Brothers to the same level of conspiracy that the Nazis used to accuse the Jews of participating in, I think it is safe to say the movie is less truth than lies and propaganda.

Now that this Propagandaministerium director has set his sights on the NRA, I’m sure it is going to be about as honest at Der Ewige Jude.

Leave it to Everytown to channel the ghost of Goebbels for their political goals and not get why doing so is so terrible.


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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “The ghost of Goebbels”
  1. Don’t forget the standard oil octopus. I’m sure a substitute movie can be made by replacing gun with oil and the company names.

  2. The progressive movement in this nation draws it’s tactics from the Third Reich in a wholesale fashion. The filmmaking would make Leni Reifenstahl proud.

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