This is a real Tweed from the official account of The New York Times.

Except for all that other sexual misconduct that was caught on camera that people have criticized Joe Biden for before, we have no reason to think that he ever took it just a little bit further and committed sexual assault because he’s the leading Democrat candidate.

However, if a Republican ever dud something similar, you can be absolutely sure we’d fucking destroy him.”

That’s a hell of a take.  Really.

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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “The ghost of Walter Duranty is defending Joe Biden”
  1. First axiom of politics rears its head once again.

    Brett Kavanaugh has ZERO evidence whatsoever that he is touchy feely or worse. No video, no women looking uncomfortable while he snuggles up to them without their consent. None of that.

    Yet, the NYT was more than willing to use their “journalism” to destroy his reputation.

    Maybe they learned their lesson. Maybe they learned that more than one credible accusation is required in order to tarnish a man’s reputation.

    1. Well, they tried to destroy his reputation, in any case. Whether they succeeded or not, history will tell.

      Re the Times … Learned their lesson? Thanks, I needed a chuckle this morning…

  2. This plays into my belief that the Dems are going to write off 2020 and wait until 24 to really make a play for POTUS.

    This would be the absolutely perfect opportunity to remove Crazy Joe, and bring in a better candidate… but they just might be successful, and they don’t want that.

    Because the US is in for a couple of hard years trying to rebuild after Corona. It would be better if they let Orangemanbad take the hit (while criticizing and complaining and arguing the whole time), then step in ala FDR and pretend they can fix it. And if they’re lucky, Trump will have planted a lot of policies that will pay off years later that they can take credit for ala Bill Clinton.

    Plus, incumbency years are always a long shot, whereas voters tend to want to vote in a party switch after 8 years.

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