On Saturday, Hamas made a sneak attack in Israel, during the Sabbath on the holiday of Simchat Torah, the last day of the week of Sukkot.

Hundres of Israeli civilians were killed, thousands were injured, and an unknown number were kidnapped and taken prisoners in Gaza

Today, in major American cities, there are people celebrating that barbarism.



New York City:




Salt Lake City:




These people are celebrating the killing of whole Jewish families, and then lie about the circumstances to justify their joy.

American Jews need to be aware that every single one of these people would have the same joy and reaction for your murder.

This is the globalized Intifada.

You are not safe.

The threat is here.

Get armed and prepare to defend yourselves.


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By J. Kb

8 thoughts on “The globalized Intifada is here”
  1. A rational sane society simp!y does not tolerate the existence on such groups. They are either eradicated or sequestered where they can do no harm. We no longer have a sane, rational society.

  2. Thanks J.Kb for posting this most important news. As I said in another post by Miguel, the anti-Israel groups have the most powerful Islamist in the world as their protector and facilitator, which is the current presidential administration, Obama-Biden Regime and make no mistake it’s not just at a national level but a global level. None of what happened in Israel a few days ago would have been possible without American Money recently given to Iran and Hamas, and without the info needed to circumvent Israel’s defense systems—I refuse to believe the narrative that Israel was asleep at the switch. Caught off guard. Not a chance.

  3. While I don’t want to in any way try to deflect attention from the hatred of Jews by the Palestinians, we have to remember they hate all Americans with nearly the same white hot hatred. Thousands of unaccompanied, military aged men have been crossing our southern welcome mat for the past several years. Anyone who believes all of them are just here for a better life is delusional. These massive celebrations around the country are further warnings. If (when) the Intifada is triggered here, we will all be targets and we had all better be ready.

    1. Skinnedknuckles, you are exactly right. And I might add they are being strategically placed within the nation, for I believe, the reason you asserted. A war begins when planning begins and is advanced when pieces on the battle board are positioned strategically. This has been going on now for many years and in the past two to three years it has substantially increased and become even more apparent. The sickening part of this is the Obama-Biden administration has the Army National Guard assisting in the processing operation at the border, touted as a humanitarian act.

  4. Israelis who criticize the scholarship failures made by the Reshonim (950 -1400 CE).

    The study by means of בנין אב/precedents, it opens a person’s eyes how the different mesechtot of Gemara interweave together; how the Mishna of one mesechta intermeshes with the language of other Mishnaot.

    This makes the study of the Talmud as the Primary, and the study of the Reshonim rabbinic commentaries – secondary. Rabbinic Judaism errs because it reverses the Primary/secondary relationship, just as these rabbis fail to understand how the Gemara makes a משנה תורה\re-interpretation of the k’vanna of the language of its Mishna. The boot licking brown-nose “Psycophant” behavior & scholarship practiced by Auchronim Talmudic “scholars” toward the Reshonim, whom the former worships the opinions of the latter, like gods placed upon a pedestal.

    Their disgraceful טיפש פשט(bird brained) of ירידות הדורות qualifies as a National Jewish scandal. Perhaps the best example of this Psycophat behavior: the RABaD’s statute law criticism of the Rambam’s statute halachic perversion. His “criticism”, it compares to counterfeit money printed illegally, then laundered by other criminals; something like criminals bringing stolen goods to a pawn-shop. The impact of his “criticism” had a direct impact upon Rosh ben Asher, author of the Tur statute halachic perversion of the Talmud.

    Another example of the distortion of learning the Torah & Talmud into box-thinking assimilated statute codifications, the impact that the Rambam’s Sefer-Ha’Mitzvot made upon the scholarship of the French Baali-Tosafot, S’mag, and later upon the sefer ha-Chinuch.

    These latter Reshonim altogether abandoned Rabbi Akiva’s chiddush (unique teachings) which defines Torah sh’baal peh (Oral Torah) as פרדס. The sefer baal ha’turim ha’shalem (a commentary made upon the Chumash) his grasp of רמז (hint) totally distorted. The Baal Ha’Turim limited this key concept of פרדס kabbalah only to the numerical value of words. It ignores the רמז concept of pregnant words: words which contain other words. The ignorance of ben Asher, his failure to bind רמז together with פשט to interpret Aggadah, its משנה תורה on prophetic mussar from NaCH sources – an utter disgrace to the Jewish people.

    These errors by key Reshonim “influencers”, the destruction to משנה תורה Oral Torah scholarship, far surpasses the error made by the false messiahs of Sabbatai Zevi, and Yaacov Frank. The errors made by the latter directly influenced the rise of Reform Judaism after Napoleon up-rooted the Catholic church war-crimes as established by the 3 Century Ghetto illegal imprisonment of Western European Jewry.

    Errors in scholarship not limited to the Jews. It amazes me that Jews can readily see the termite-like corruption within the catholic church and Luthern protestantism. But fails to weigh and consider that this same termite-like rot within the wood “furniture” of Judaism!

    A terrible matter for a Talmudic scholar of fame to make a gross error in scholarship. But far worse for down-stream scholars of reputation to equally fail to correct the errors made by earlier generations by scholars of great reputation. This latter error directly resembles the perversions of the false messiah movements in Yiddishkeit, secretly influenced by the new testament abomination counterfeit messiah belief system.

    The Torah defines faith as: צדק צדק תרדוף (justice justice pursue). Not chasing after some obtuse belief system of theology like the Xtian Trinity or strict Monotheism of the Muslim “church”. Justice: a lawyer never interrogates a witness by asking: “””What do you personally believe?”””

    The scholarship of משנה תורה\common law/ as different from assimilated Roman statute law as the pursuit of justice to make fair restitution of damages inflicted upon others – from faith as defined as a personal belief in Gods. The Rambam’s 13 principles of faith, never once mentions the pursuit of justice!

    This collapse of understanding the משנה תורה of Talmudic scholarship, wherein the Talmud serves as the model for a restored Israeli common law lateral Federal court system, when Jews return and & reconquer our Homelands, this collapse of knowledge concerning common law, its directly responsible for the Orthodox gross distortion – its condemnation of Zionism in the 1920’s and ’30s.

    When scholars of reputation make fundamental errors in scholarship, this “action” compares to a stone hitting the tranquil waters of a pond. Impossible to stop the ensuing ripple effect. Hence another metaphor for ירידות הדורות – ripple effect. The latter describes: ‘domino effect’ precisely.

    Herein concludes my introduction to the two בנין אב precedents of עירובין to our Gemara of .ברכות ט. The Reshonim scholarship failed to lead Israel out of g’lut. Post Shoah scholarship needs to ask the fundamental and most basic of questions: Why did the Reshonim fail to lead Israel out of g’lut.

    If we cowardly refuse to hold our shepherd-scholars to account, even as we conquer Canaan, the threat of g’lut returning, it hangs over our heads like an ax to a Turkey on Thanksgiving.

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