The officials told TPM that Mayors Against Illegal Guns is eying five other states where they think they could make their mark if they invest resources. Nothing is set in stone, but they hope there might be room to move despite this week’s loss.

via Bloomberg Eyes Five More Fronts In The Gun Control Battle | TPMDC.

Oregon, Minnesota, New Mexico, Nevada and Washington are now in the crosshairs. It should not surprise you that Michael “Hynkel” Bloomberg took it very personal and now wants not to double-down but to quintuple-down on his anti-gun carpetbagging crusade.

If anything, he’ll more dangerous now. His term as Mayor of NYC ends on Dec 31st and he’ll have all the time in the world to come after us… yes, us: We The People who had the audacity of slapping him on the face in Colorado, that make fun of his Yankee Vulture Bus, that have managed to stop Congress in passing legislation against the Second Amendment and blocked many state legislatures in doing the same crap he pulled in Colorado. How dare we did that to the Conqueror and Savior of the State of New York?

Bloomberg is ego-driven which is not bad on itself, but it can be downright dangerous if he goes monomaniac which would not surprise me after New Year’s. I would not put past him to break the law to achieve new laws…as he has done with flunkies across gun shows and gun shops around the country.

And I wouldn’t be surprised if eventually he ends up prosecuted under RICO or becomes the gun-grabber’s version of Bernie Madoff, but not before he may hurt us enough to make us bleed.

I’d say we have a couple of months vacation and then stuff will get real once again. Expect the build up and new attempts on the anniversary of the Sandy Hook Massacre.

What? You expected a quiet Christmas? Fat chance.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “The Great Little Dictator coming to a State Near You…or Yours.”
  1. Of course, he won’t come here with his Danse Macabre Bus, as the PDRK is well on its way to a total gun ban.

  2. Alan Gura, and The Second Amendment Foundation (based in Bellview WASHINGTON) have already spanked Bloomie and his cronies all up and down the country. I’m sure they are practically licking their chops at the though of a ‘home game’ for once.

    Also..if you want to get an idea of how Washingtonians feel about guns, Check out the Forums at, and compare the activity of the Virginia State forum and the Washington State forum, with the rest of the state’s forums. Bring it, Bloomie…

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