A CNN senior media reporter actually wants cable and satellite to suspend Fox News and others or be punished.

To hell with common carrier protections, you will only carry the news some CNN ass-fuck approves of.

They will try to absolutely silence their opposition.

They are going full Stalin at turbo-speed now.

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By J. Kb

11 thoughts on “The Great Memoryholing continues”
  1. Ha, Ha, Ha. So Fox news stabbing us in the back did nothing to protect them from the mob. I suppose I should feel sorry for them, but I don’t.

    1. The left don’t realize that nobody listens to Fox anymore. They still think we’re like them: puppets who unquestioningly follow the leader.

  2. Well, I for one will find it deliciously ironic when Fox News — once a fair network, but now a putrid festering cesspool of RINOs, Never-Trumpers, and liberals — gets deplatformed. I will laugh my ass off because they are just like the rest of them…

  3. Once the crisis phase begins, the country falls in a matter of weeks. I have been saying for months that this is coming.
    Just 4 months ago, I was being called an alarmist. Not many are saying that now.

    1. All this sure has brought out the doom n gloomers. If you THINK its lost, you HAVE lost. Sit back and watch dems eat each other. Live your life. Moanin and screamin about politics isnt gonna solve anything. Be greatful for all you have. Be aware but dont let it consume you. They will ultimately fail and wake the rest of the idiots up when zero promises are kept. FIDO boys n girls.

      1. Ah, the “bury your head in the sand” and wait for the Communists to realize they were wrong all along” method.

  4. Five medic: perhaps a middle ground approach?

    I, myself, think that it is too soon to simply shoot the bastards (but only *just* too soon).

    And, I plan to vote, in the slim hope (fantasy?) That voting can make a difference.

    But, to agree with Curby, I do plan to live as best I can, so long as I can.

    While training and loading magazines.

    1. It isn’t a switch that selects “Parlay” or “Plunder.” There are many incremental things we can do that fall between those two.

      While I suspect that voting won’t work due to the margin of cheat, there is little cost in doing so. On the off chance that it will work, it is worth a try. However, I wouldn’t count on it.

      Talking to/lobbying politicians
      Again, there is a small chance it will work, but I just don’t see a politician listening to anyone from the right for the time being. Especially those on the left- they are even busy shutting down all mode of communication that disagree with their world view. But hey, SOMEONE should at least TRY to talk some sense into them. Maybe a few can be turned, or even better, used as intelligence sources.

      What happened Wednesday is a wakeup call to the elite on Capitol hill. I don’t think that it caused or enabled the left to do anything that they otherwise were not already going to do, so I don’t really think it hurt anything.

      Speak softly, and carry a big stick. However, the other side needs to know that you are willing to use that big stick if you are forced to, and they should come to fear it, or you might find yourself getting beat over the head with it.

      Look, the War for Independence didn’t just happen within a short period of time. The Boston massacre happened in 1770, the Tea Party in 1773, Paul Revere’s ride and the battle at Lexington and Concorde, followed by the battle of Bunker Hill in 1775. The Declaration of Independence was signed a year later. In all, the colonies were building to that moment for over 20 years. Hundreds of colonists, loyalists, and soldiers had to die before John Hancock signed that document. We still have YEARS, and I fear many deaths, before we are anywhere near the “shoot them all” phase.

      These things take time, and unfortunately, much suffering and bloodshed before things settle out. It will be a dicey thing, and we will most likely wind up living in a Communist dictatorship.

      But we have to try.

  5. Dive medic: I agree: the sparks may well take years for the flame to burn.

    I pray that this “cup” may pass us, every one of us, by.

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