But depending on what you are looking for, there are some deals to be had.

I went to Academy Sports yesterday to look at rifles because I am so seriously liking the Ruger American Predator Moss .308 Winchester Bolt-Action Rifle selling for $449.99
Now compare that with they asking full retail for the Ruger PC 9mm Luger Semiautomatic Carbine of $599.99.

I am not badmouthing the PC9, far from it and you guys know I have one which I love and bought at a well-below-retail price. But I am also well aware that it has limitations and I would not used but for relatively short distances, namely 25-50 yards with the provided iron sights which is the reason why I added a light and it is one of my inside-the-home + home perimeter weapons.

But my reality has changed somewhat and I now need something with a bit more long distance and “oompf”  to serve both as hunting stick and “other duties” weapon. And then I am seeing .308 populate the shelves again while .30-06 has disappeared from the market or so it seems.

But I am writing from my new point of view and  needs rather than what most people that make the market want and need. Going full urbanite/suburbanite,  the PC9 makes more sense because you will probably will not need any long range, full power cartridge that can go through many walls or clear across the neighborhood while a pistol round shot with a carbine will have that bit extra velocity provided by the long barrel giving you proper defense force.  And being able to be taken down and transported in a case that does not scream “GUNSZ!” is an advantage if you happen to have a neighbor who is less than thrilled about the Second Amendment and will dial 911 in a jiffy.

At the end, we revert back to the Supply and Demand flow of commerce.

PS: I forgot to mention that 9mm is also becoming more and more available and is less expensive than rifle cartridges. Another plus for the Pistol Caliber carbines.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “The gun market is out of whack or maybe it is just us. (OK, just me)”
  1. I would love to have a PC9 (not at $600).
    I’m not going to be taking on people in full military body armor and it would be a great small game gun.(if I need to take small game)

    1. At the current rate, the full military body armor cretins are going to take you on. Might think about what you will do when that happens.

  2. Browsing the Ruger link above, I came across a Savage XP in .30-06 with optics for around $100 less. These are also fine rifles. I have a Savage XP II in .30-06 and a Ruger American in .22. The Ruger is a little higher quality it seems but it doesn’t seem to make a difference in how they shoot. I’ve had zero problems with either one.

  3. “Social purposes” guns are especially popular and in demand. Gee, I wonder why.

    Contemplating a Sub2000 myself, ’cause a local place has one in. Less “sporting purposes” looking, looks to be oh so handy.

    Anyway, you’re right about .308, I am seeing it on store shelves out in the world. Even Wally World, after they caved to the Demandy Moms and pulled most stuff, still carries food for your mid-century freedom rifle.

  4. Since you have a short range rifle , the choice of the .308 for your longe range boomstick is a good one . Ballistically the 308 and the 30-06 are the same , but you will find a lot better bullet loadings ( especially if you reload) for the 30-06.

    For a SHTF scenario, source some Black Tipped bullets and have someone you TRUST load up 50 or so for need to turn cover into concealment.

    Using hunting bullets either caliber will woke for any North American game, from bear down to deer.

    Just realize that ammo costs (unless you reload) will mean you won’t be doing much high volume shooting .

  5. A long time back I got two .308s and a 30-06. All three scoped. Vortex on the .308 semi auto.
    A lot of fun for plinking….

  6. I was at the LGS trying to sell my vz.24. he asked me to bring it back in a couple of weeks. He is full.

    He had a stack of rifles 8 foot tall and 3 ft deep in his office as he didn’t have room for them out on the racks.

    He is of the opinion there is going to be another major run on guns very shortly.

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